63 yr old Jeff

by Jeff
(Topeka KS)

Getting real tired of repititous life. Probably if not for my 17 yr old son, living by with the ex, I’d be more serious about planning to exit.

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Nov 12, 2017
Been there
by: Anonymous

I am also 63 years old. Went through severe depression about 5 years ago. If I had ended it all, I wouldn’t have the joy in knowing my new grandchild. I followed the steps on this web sight and I’m certainly glad I did. I feel your pain, I hope you can find your way out. No one can do it for you. I’m off all medication and still experience sadness and disparities but those times do not last. I am cheering you on my peaceful home in Tulsa. Don’t forget to do your light therapy. Journaling helped me, Keep moving forward, you may find joy in your life next year.

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