depression passes...

by Cindy
(Tulsa, OK USA)

Remember DEPRESSION PASSES. Focus on living one day at a time.

With practice, it is possible to function adequately even while experiencing a fairly severe down. (Mary Ellen Copeland)

"Speak, move, work in peace, as if you were in prayer."

Blessings to all of you who are suffering. My heart is with you as I go through it too.

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Oct 19, 2015
Depression Passes!
by: Susan Fernando

As the depression passes, the pressure begin expanding again and, as opposed to the regular conviction, this can mean far and away more terrible climate than when it falls.

Sep 14, 2015
by: Anonymous

An idle person is considered as burden in society. Therefore, process of continuous learning keeps his mind active and fresh. The continuous learning and gaining knowledge creates opportunity to use his time in doing productive activity.

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