I dont feel like living...

by Meher

1.Think of the top 3 people you see most often during the week. Are they positive people or pessimistic people? Do they give you a glimpse of hope and joy or do they squash it all?
Ans - friend

2. Where do you want to see yourself after being depression free? What do you want to be doing with your life?
Ans - Dont know cant think ahead, just feel used, abused and a lot of anger at this point of time.

3. As you think about your depression, what do you think it may be teaching you about yourself?

Ans - I need to be alone with myself, dont want to face the world.

4. What or who makes you angry?
Ans - My going to be ex husband

5. What or who makes you sad?
Ans - Why doesnt giving love get u love in return. My going to be ex husband.

6. What or who brings you joy?
Ans - Nothing & Nobody at this point of time.

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Jul 23, 2009
Same Feeling.....
by: Anonymous

I feel the exact same way as you ..wish there was an answer. I hope I don't wake up every day.....

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