Julie's life living in the dark valley of depression

by Julie Bradley
(Schaumburg, IL USA)

Julie and Paco

Julie and Paco

I was dx'd as bipolar over 20 years ago. I have been on meds and have pretty much been stabilized until this economy hit. My exaggerated credit card balances have led me into bankruptcy and then 3 months ago I lost my job. Now my house is in jeopardy and all of the above has sent me reeling into the pits of depression. I cannot go one day without anxiety and depression. The smallest disappointment sends me to tears followed by deeper depression.

Tonite I typed into google "depression hurts" and I found this site. I pray that I can get through this darkness. I have a life to live and want to enjoy the blessings that God has given me. I have unemployment {blessing}, am in the middle of attempting to get a mortgage modification which looks positive. My Psychiatrist has told me that I am not able to even think about looking for another job. She said that all of the "hit" have left me sort of post trauma syndrome and another disappointment could wind me up in a behavioral hospital. WOW!

I am going to do everything in this course to get better. I want to feel joy again. God will take care of the rest.



Thanks Julie for sharing your story. You are right in doing your part and leaving the rest up to God. I remember the story of Jesus' first miracle. He had the people bring the jars of water and then HE turned them into wine! The people needed to do their part and then give the rest of it to him.

I'm glad you're going through the e-course and I hope it helps you find clues to the cause of your depression!

Don't give up! There is hope!

Merri Ellen

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Feb 17, 2011
You Are Not Alone Jules!
by: Ollie

My Dear Friend Julie,
I am so sorry for all you've been through. When life becomes unbareable, you have your faith to turn to. In that faith...is hope. There is always hope. It's good to reach out. To have others who really understand & care. I care, as so many others who suffer from depression & anxiety. When you reach out, you are stepping out of the darkness and into the light. Even if only for a short time. Little by little, with all you are doing to help yourself & by allowing others to help you...life will get better. Jules, I have lost 4 dear family members in 4 years, lost my job when my Sister was terminal with cancer, I could go on & on about the series of misfortunate events in my life. To laugh...when I am too tired to cry, I call those days & many days I still have...Lemony Snickets Days! (The funny movie with Jim Carey.) I hope I made you laugh. Do whatever it takes my sweet friend. Read books that inspire you, watch movies that lift your spirits or make you laugh. MUSIC helps me. Sometimes I need to tune out the pounding of my own heart...heard between my ears. I was diagnosed bi-polar 1 1/2 yrs. ago but have been suffering from depression & anxiety...all my life. We will make it. Take things slow. A minute at a time, if that's the best you can do then you are doing alright. Breath. Please don't forget to...breath. Thank you for sharing that place...the valley of darkness. Take great care in and of yourself. You are truely a gift. ~Ollie

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