
by Mitzi Rossy
(Trenton, NJ USA)

1. Think of the top 3 people you see most often during the week: My sister and my mother, that's it.

Are they positive people or pessimistic people?: They are both pessimistic and depressing to be around.

Do they give you a glimpse of hope and joy or do they squash it all?: They do squash it all.

2. Where do you want to see yourself after being depression free?: Hopefully happier with life and can get my GED to get a good job.

What do you want to be doing with your life?: Don't know really yet.

3. As you think about your depression, what do you think it may be teaching you about yourself?: nothing that I know of, I just get really sick, physically, like constant UTI's and stomach upsets.

4. What or who makes you angry?: My sister because she depends on me too much, same with my mom. They're like leeches.

5. What or who makes you sad?: Once again, my mom and sister.

6. What or who brings you joy?: Usually, watching tv or listening to music and my Faith in God.

7. What’s one thing, after reading our 6 steps report, that you do not do in your life and you want to start doing this week? (You can skip this question if you haven't yet read our report.) I haven't read the report yet.

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Apr 10, 2010
family ties
by: Robin

Dear Mitzi:
As I search for my son who I have not seen or heard from in a while, I have to tell you that you are not alone in this world.

We all have a story to tell and if you are ready to leave your life that has brought you so much unhappiness, you must prepare by thinking carefully about what you want to do and where you think you would be happiest living.
Once you truly search your mind for those answers, the rest gets easier.
You probably dont know me, but I know your mother she is my cousin. I know that you were given that beautiful name after one of our Aunts named Mitzi. It is so hard to find a positive life as long as you continue doing the same thing and remaining with people who are stuck in depression and other destructive acts.
I know that you may not feel hopeful right now, but if you truly want to make your dreams come true, I would be very happy to talk to you or email you. I know your sister Jane and I would like to find her because I know that she is probably the only person who can tell me where Michael is living. Please email me. You are family even if we didnt know each other closely, it is never too late to fix things.
If you would like to contact me please return my email. I have a page here so you can write to me here too.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Robin E.

Feb 28, 2010
finding your path
by: Robin

I can relate to your frustration and depression. I am probably a little older then you, but it has taken me many years to realize that most of the crisis and sadness that is in my life were caused by me not doing anything to feel better and blaming everybody and everything for my situation.
It is sad to tell you that I took life for granted and didnt change the things that i could have changed to make my life better. Instead I took the easy way and just stayed in my situation, and the years went by quickly, with many memories of sadness. Until now as I have gotten older and see my young life passed by, and all that is left from years spent taking care of others, resulted in me being alone at the end of my life, depressed and very sick, and alone.
I guess what I am trying to say is that maybe its ok for you to take care of you now. You were blessed to have parents and it sounds like you have given much to your family. Its time now for you to let go and take care of your life and find happiness. Please email me if you dont mind talking to me. I think I recognize your name and would like to stay in touch. Please write soon.
Thank you,
Robin E.

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