"My favourite Books on Positive Thinking to Cure Your Depression"

learned optimism

Books on positive thinking were a great jolt to my system of thinking. Here are a few favourite books on positive thinking that helped me get out of my own depression...

Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life (Paperback) by Martin Seligman

- If you're a pessimist, you most likely believe that bad events are your fault, will last a long time, and will destroy everything. You feel helpless and may sink into depression, which is epidemic today, especially among youth.

Optimists, on the other hand, believe that defeat is a temporary setback or a challenge--it doesn't knock them down. "Pessimism is escapable," asserts Seligman, by learning a new set of cognitive skills that will enable you to take charge, resist depression, and make yourself feel better and accomplish more.

“One of the most important books of the century -- an absolute must-read” - Dr. Robert H. Schuller author of 'Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do'

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

- Extremely thought provoking book which you should be read many times over. It's a timeless book; full of wisdom.

Life Strategies – Dr. Phil McGraw

- Once you pick up the book, you can't put it down; you'll find yourself nodding your head at what you have always known in your heart, but didn't always acknowledge in your daily life. It's well worth a read.

People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck

- It's a must read if you have been a victim of abuse. By reading this book you'll definitely begin to learn your intellectual and moral value, and get a stronger understanding of the way some people think.

The Choice by Og Mandino

- You have a choice everyday. This book is a must read - it'll change the way you think about life. It'll help you realize that we all have choices re: what we do, how we do it & how we react to the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out by Dr. Phil McGraw

- Another great book by Dr. Phil. This book doesn't "diagnose and treat" your problems; it helps you figure out what they are, when they happened, and inspires you to turn things around.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

- Deals with stress and tension and how to get rid of it and start ENJOYING life! Live this book. Priceless!

From My Fitness Coach: Tom Venuto

If you have purchased Tom's Burn The Fat Book, please remember to read his valuable bonus books which he gives you with it. They are entitled, "The Science of Goal Achievement" and "Self Image Psychology Secrets". Here's a sample of what Tom writes...

"There is a science to achieving goals. If you want to be a success, it's your responsibility and duty to learn how your mind works and take conscious control over the programming that goes into your mental goal-achieving "super-computer" known as your subconscious mind. If you want to change your body and your life, but you're not getting the results you want, then you probably: (A) didn't set goals at all, (B) you set goals improperly (not working in harmony with your subconscious "computer"), (C) you set goals, but lost sight of them (You lacked consistency and persistence), or (D) you set goals, but didn't take efficient daily action."

Then he shares with you two powerful tools that can assist you in setting and achieving your goals. So, don't forget to read them too!

Take Action For Your Mind: Books on Positive Thinking

Start enjoying one or more of these books on positive thinking to retrain your thoughts to cure depression.

There is hope! You are worth it!

-Merri Ellen

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