depressed beyond cure

by aditi
(mumbai, india)

everyday begins with unbelievable disappoitment.have a job that makes me feel angry and worthless. if i didnt exit no one would care. dont have a career,have friends but not close enough to discuss my problems with. dont have anything to live for. i am angry at god for deserting me.


Thanks for sharing Aditi. I'm sorry you feel abandoned. If there is anything in our lives that prevents us from a right relationship with God, it separates us from him. I encourage you to ask him to show you what that may be - if there is anything. A few passages that comes to mind is...

"Come close to God, and he will come close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded." - James 4:8

"Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." -Psalm 51: 10-12

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Jan 18, 2010
I feel your pain
by: Denise

Each morning you wake up to a mountain. Mountains are tough to climb. They are large and steep, seemingly impossible to climb. Besides, who has the energy for it and what's the use, right?

I've been there. It helps to try to break that mountain into hills and chip away. Hills are not so steep, not so ominous and can be climbed. Each time you deal with one, the weight on your shoulders is less and you might even begin to smile again.

1) Having no close friends is a hill in your mountain. You have found this web site. You now have friends you can choose to be close to and share with. We're here and we will listen. We'll also understand because we are or have been where you are. We're safe to talk to.

2) You don't have a career and hate your job. This anger you feel is another hill in your mountain. You feel trapped. It is similar to one of the hills in my mountain so I understand how you feel.

Have you thought of what you might like to do as a career? What type of job you would actually enjoy getting out of bed for? What things are you good at? I know it may be hard to think about right now and you don't need to think about it all at once, but when you have a few good moments and the energy, give this some thought.

Start looking on the Internet and in the local papers to see what jobs are open. This will not only give you ideas for what you might like to do, but it may also land you a different job than you have right now. Just knowing there are options and you're not stuck can do wonders for you.

I promise you God has not deserted you. He does not lie and His word is true. Deep down I believe you know this. I believe He sometimes brings us to our knees to get our attention when nothing else has worked. He never closes a door without opening another; but I must admit, it can sometimes be HELL in the hallway. Is that Him deserting us? Nah! I think it is choices we've made or our failure to hear Him that brings us to a point in our lives where we must make changes to get back on track. We then feel close to Him again.

I've rambled on longer than I intended, but I wanted to try to ease some of your pain, bring you some hope and let you know there are people who care.

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