How can I remain in the state I want to

by Naveed
(Karachi, Pakistan)

1. Think of the top 3 people you see most often during the week. Are they positive people or pessimistic people? Do they give you a glimpse of hope and joy or do they squash it all?

yes they give me glimpse of hope and joy

2. Where do you want to see yourself after being depression free? What do you want to be doing with your life?

I want to set perfect rules for my personality and want to enjoy my life like every one can remain happy with me

3. As you think about your depression, what do you think it may be teaching you about yourself?

Its teaching that, why I feel depressed, I have things given by Allah and I should thank God and live life easily, without fearing and fearing for the future

4. What or who makes you angry?

People who lie, those who try to be leader, those who take decisions of others careers, try to be oversmart.

5. What or who makes you sad?

When I do mistakes, I become sad, when I see my family under financial or any other stress I feel sad, I feel sad when I go to office as always upper management decide what I don't like.

6. What or who brings you joy?

People who give me time, talk to me softly, take lunch or dinner with me, go on drive with me, commenting on daily activities positively or negatively in a humorous way.

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Oct 31, 2015
good post
by: entrusted essay writing service online

I like your decision and fully support it. Because i believe medicine is not the solution of depression. I'm glad that your thinking also similar like me. We should concentrate the actual reason of this depression and fully try to remove it then depression automatically finish. I hope you and everyone other understand my point of view regarding depression.

Apr 18, 2009
I understand
by: Cindy

Dear Naveed,

Even though we live in different cultures and in different parts of the world, I completely understand your feelings for I have them too.

I wish we lived closer for I would love to have dinner with you and be your friend.

It is important that people like us who try to be perfect learn to not be too hard on ourselves and learn to be our own good friends.

I hope you feel better soon. I am getting better from my depression.

Cindy Tulsa Oklahoma

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