63 years old and depressed

by Don
(South Florida)

I've always been asocial and subject to mood swings. When I was in college I had my first long-lasting period of negativity that took over a year to recover from. It was one of the worst times in my life in that I'd gone from a creative and productive lifestyle into a reclusive one filled with self loathing and a sense of inadequacy. I inherited from my parents a supercilious and egotistical nature made worse by a sense of snobbery. But I was always aware of the foolishness and error of my way of thinking. I just have never gotten along with others all of my life, partly due to my overly sensitive and artistic nature which has always been made even worse by my natural but hurtful failures and overly self critical mind.
Now I'm 63, and have been through 2 painful divorces and am left living alone in Florida with no sense of hopefulness or happiness at all. I'm not suicidal since I'm relatively healthy and can survive on the little I've inherited, but since my Dad died (2001) and I lost my business (2004) in which I designed custom furniture, I haven't been myself and will never regain that optimism I normally had. I don't even enjoy playing my electric keyboards anymore and have had no desire to write and record original music for 3 or 4 years.
I find myself up to my old tricks of destroying any relationship I have and despising people in general so now I'm left with only 2 or 3 friends who live 1000 miles away (up north) and my brother who has had 2 lung transplants and who doesn't want me to live with him and his wife since I probably would make his life even more difficult. Besides that, he's as supercilious as I am, although he suffers no depression and seems to be quite happy with his wife in the suburbs of New York.
That's not to say that I don't every now and then swing back into feeling nice, especially since the weather is so lovely here, but I never find anyone who's company I enjoy and I don't enjoy exercise or travel anymore. My days and nights are only filled with reading, researching banal matters on the internet, and watching satellite T.V., all of which don't offer me much more than just the passage of time.
Since I've always been self-absorbed and reclusive, it's not a prison sentence and I actually feel more fortunate than most others in that I'm virtually free of the worries I once had. But nothing new ever seems to happen, and as I get older I feel a little less able to cope every day. I pray reincarnation is a myth so I don't have to relive the inevitable end as well as the intermediate pains of life.
I once was on anti-depressants but they never worked for me and they seemed to make things slightly worse in the end. I don't trust or like seeing doctors or psychiatrists and don't want to become dependent on medicines to correct things, and I have little faith in them, to boot.
Not only that, but since I only go out to eat and buy necessities I rarely meet anybody new and I don't enjoy social gatherings and have always detested parties. I'm virtually dependent upon happenstance to bring any change in my life and am incapable of creating anything new at all in my life. Although I'm able to deal with all this, I feel there's very little left other than decreasing health and deterioration of my attractiveness to women. Not only that but I only enjoy the company of women that are at least 20 years younger than I am unless their beauty is way out of my league.
Naturally, I know I should force myself to socialize and exercise and think more positively, but I'm so self absorbed and negative in my outlook it just isn't in the cards for me to maintain any new friendships I find myself occasionally acquiring. I'm far too critical both of others and of myself for any change in the way I've always been. My mother was the same way and although she was extremely intelligent, her asocial personality never brought her any genuine happiness. The thought of living out 20 more years of this, only to lose the few relations I still have seems horrible, but I would never hurt myself. I want to help myself, not make things even worse.
But life holds no new surprises for me, especially since I've failed at every single relationship I've ever had and I don't really believe I should depend on that to bring me fulfillment or joy. I feel people, myself included, are for the most part selfish and uninteresting, particularly since my tastes are esoteric and unusual. I feel my depression is actually quite commonplace, but that doesn't mitigate the pain. Even when I understand the errors of my thinking, I'm incapable of altering my mindset. I realize that even had I been famous and popular, I still would be this way, even worse since I would be open to public criticism and personal attacks, so I have no regrets that I was never a commercial success.
When I was writing and recording original music or creating custom furniture and artwork for my customers, I was happily content, merely for the sense of self satisfaction. I enjoyed listening to my CD's of my music for years, just for personal enjoyment and don't care much if others enjoy them the same as I do. In fact I dislike the ego rush I feel when someone compliments me, since I know it's artificial and unproductive. So what it boils down to is I'm stuck in a rut and every path I pursue leads to the some dead end. It's a pity since when I was younger I was filled with optimism and joy from learning anything new. I find myself reading the tail end of most biographies to see how others lived out their last years, and I'm actually pleased when I see the failures and declines of famous successful people, just to know I'm not alone in my depressive and miserable state. I don't know how to jump into a new life and in all honesty, I don't feel there's very much enjoyment left for me in my remaining years, even if I'm not a drunk or a libertine.
However in the back of my mind I find a faint sense of hopefulness that I'll meet someone whose company I can enjoy and can afford me some sense of companionship or even better, love. But then I look back at how my self-destructive nature has a way of always collapsing anything I develop and try to nurture due to my unpleasant and overly critical demeanor. If all this sounds awful, you've grasped the situation entirely. But such is life, and to expect an unreal purely positive condition is misleading and foolish. dddifferentdifferentdifferentdifferent.differentis misnButag somewhere in my future, although I know everyone's life ends in nothing more than death and decline and that's a miserable prospect, indeed.

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Dec 24, 2023
Spiritual Temple Master NEW
by: Anonymousy

Are you passing through a difficult phrase in life that demands the attention of a spiritual solution. Contact me for a change in your life positively.

Jun 12, 2022
by: Anonymous

You just don't pretend. In order to live a "happy" life you need to pretend. You know all those smiling people that love life. I think by 60 people have really lived their lives busy so there was no time to be depressed. At 60 we hit that brick wall,it stops us dead in our tracks.I was a doer for everyone,helped everyone,was there for everyone. I'm not a people person,never was. Now at 69 I dislike adults even more. My thrill is kids,they are so innocent,they are interesting and honest. Quit thinking you don't live life how it should be lived,do nothing,do what you want.

Nov 20, 2021
Asocial and creative NEW
by: Anonymous

Don read with keen interest your post. The fact that you wrote it so elequently and post it speaks good of who you are. My son in law is 31 years old and is escaping with a buddy in thanksgiving weekend because-he says- he in his soul is creative and needs these escapes to satisfy that artist in him. I worry. For my daughter bc if he thinks that just bc he is creative he can pick up and leave it will just get worst when he ages. He sounded to me like a early mid life crisis,immature,since he does not consider how this impacts his job nor his wife. He does not want to have kids he does not think of others outside himself. I am worried he is starting to go down the path you did Don. What are your thoughts.

Feb 07, 2021
I get it.
by: Anonymous

I am a 61 year old female, and I understand.

Pulling out of Depression is like swimming up to the surface when you're deep-sea diving. You can see the light way up above you, but it seems SO far away ... It takes real effort and a desire to breathe freely to reclaim your place in the Sun.

Metaphorical? Yes, maybe. It's how I describe it. Happiness rarely falls into our laps ... IT TAKES WORK ... for everybody, so don't let anyone fool you, because there are no exceptions, especially these days!

Take that first step (It's always the hardest one), and surround yourself with positive people, places, and pastimes. Create a new reality of comfort and purpose for yourself as if you were redecorating a house. Everything WILL fall into place as you take back ownership of your life.

Turn your back on negative newscasts, downer-people, and those just waiting to "push your buttons" .. Annoyances will always be around, but they don't have to own you.

Practice Mindfulness, Gentle Self-Kindness, and Living in the Moment, with eyes and heart focused on the Future. Don't obsess. Train your mind. Open up your heart. Learn to find humor in the things that used to make you mad, and laugh out loud at them. It really helps!

Life is ripe for the taking ... It is a GIFT. USE it!

Thanks for reading this! I will now type a word in the box below to "prove that I am a human", and send this post.


Dec 14, 2020
61 and depressed
by: Anonymous

I have recently returned from overseas. I had a relatively good job, lots of travel and earning good money. I came home as I was unwell. I haven't fully recovered and now cannot get a job. I live with my daughter and her husband. I have a small benefit that I cannot do anything with. I am sad, depressed and hate my life. I am broke and now the poor relative. I hear you. Its hard to carry on.

Dec 04, 2020
Done with Life
by: Anonymous

I'm 62. Living in the UK. I know life could be wonderful. But not for me. I live in a tiny rented flat. More like a room with bathroom and kitchen. No bedroom. Mean and nasty. Hate it. Tenant downstairs is selfishly noisy. I have a little bit of money but it doesn't solve my problems.

I didn't make a go of life. Some people don't. No family. Lost contact with parents due to lack of interest on their part.

Mental health conditions all my life. Divorced 14 years ago. Low earner. Been on furlough from work since March due to Pandemic. Not in a state to work now.

So lucky as work is still paying me. But that won't go on forever.

I thought I was a decent person. But I realise I've behaved badly all my life. Big shock to me. I now remember a couple of unforgivable things I did 34 years ago. I had suppressed those memories. I can't live with the things I did.

Also I can't stand this body. Years of gaining and losing weight. So now loads of excess skin. I can't live with it. That is putting it mildly.

I want to call it a day. In Belgium or The Netherlands I could ask for assisted suicide.

Had three years of psychotherapy in the past.

Not depressed. Just realistic. Scared of failed suicide attempt. Want to go. Was in pretty good health until three months ago. Been laying around since then. Hardly ate for while.

Lots more. But this is long enough.

Take care. Thanks for reading.

Dec 01, 2020
Finished At 64
by: Maureenann

You might think me horrible but I'm comforted by the comments on this page, just to think I'm not alone and that others are going through similar struggles as myself. I find myself thinking of the saying that you often don't regret the things you did in life but the things you didn't do and it's so true, I'm 64, only married once for a few short months, never had a long term partner, only went on holiday once, haven't worked for many years, never cultivated friends since my 40's so now I sit at home all day wishing I'd done more with my life when I had the chance.

Aug 17, 2020
This sounds like me
by: Drew

Age 62...Had my oiwn business and made a boatload of money by the time I was 27 in 1986 i saved 500k then started investing in the market and artwork..Long story short..Took 4 years to save the 500k designing and making tshirts in the 80's///After that made very little and was down to 300k...By 1995 it took another 5 years to turn that into 1,475,000 million and then lost it all in the crash of 2000...I was ready to kill myself. Then after losing my business as well, i got a dream job as an estate manager and chef..That saved my life. Only to lose it due to the estate being sold in 2007..But I walked away with 600k...Then the 2008 crisis hit and lost about half...But started investing again...Only to fuck things up from 2011 to 2019 as i was spending money from the stocks I bought and sold, Which was ass backwards to the way I did it in the 90's tech boom saving and saving...But this time I went off the deep end..Today I kid you not id have about 7 million maybe even 8 million...But like a schmuck I sold shares of apple, and mastercard etc etc...I knew I was Bi-polar, but I did not realize till now AUgust 2020 just how bad it was...I still have a bout 600k but its not enough to retire properly as I want to move back to hawaii...So now I have no choice but to live with my mom at her condo in Massachusetts. Im a mess..I like you stopped playing guitar pretty much..No recording. I threw out all my drawings of my artwork. As from 2011 to 2018 i got the stupid idea of doing tshirts again and wasted money and time ...Alot of money...And it failed on me..I wasted on bad websites, all kinds oif stupid shit, but it kept me busy..When .I should have been hoarding my money away like a chipmunk. I think of even now the future of what my stocks would be or could be worth. Deff into the millions in the teens and im sure eventually into the 20 million or more range...Running out of time..I live also where i know nobody except a few neighbors who say hello...No social life and I find with my mom I do a few things and i feel like a pathetic loser..I had many more chances than most people could ever have and I fucked it all up...I can see no way out as i can longer work and besides i never had or havent had a 9 to 5 job except for a few summers when I was in my teens..Im a lost soul...I feel i need now at least a few million to be able to go out on my own..But that scares the crap out of me..Living alone somewhere only to be home and to live in silence...I f mom should pass before me I will inherit money but then I wont have a mom anymore and that scares the crap out of me...I dont want her money,,,i wanted to make it on my own..And I did, except somehow I take right turn when I should take a left..I'm even embarrassed when my friends from hight school do a zoom call. I dont get on cause i feel ashamed of myself and that they may ask where am I and what do i do all day...Ive never soent so much time in a bed or a couch...And when winter comes its alot worse. There really is nowhere to go...Anyway,, thats about all for me for now

Jul 23, 2020
In the moment
by: Anonymous

Age cant be changed, only our brain can change, If you feel old, change it, start walking, quit smoking , change for better younger heath. We cant change the memories of being forgotten, bur can live in the moment, and enjoy what the lord has made for us to enjoy, Sell the assets, travel enjoy the money you never had, and let the lawyer know no services, and donate the rest to a dog shelter, gone and no one cares so, no worries no cries, live life by yourself and be genenrous, nice. and change your number, so the lost sheep no how it is to be out of the circle, let them come looking for you, If they dont then they never cared, keep your faith and the lord holding you hand, You all got this.

Jun 27, 2020
now 65 and life just keeps going downhill
by: Anonymous

Did write here a couple of years ago and nothing has changed except my 2 cats die which is not helping. Nothing to live for still. Corona Virus and isolating is not helping. Turned 65, OUCH.
Met a man I really liked, of course he left and now I am even more depressed. Used to swim but cant do that, pool cloesd because of virus, putting on weight. Used to do yoga all my life and don't have the energy for that just drinking wine and sleeping are my favorite things. Maybe I will come back and write something in 2 years if I am still here. It will probably be even worse if I am still alive. We are all crying out for help inside but we are getting old, becoming invisible and there is nothing we can do about it. Not sure writing my angst is really helping. Hoping to die and feel nothing. Hoping there is nothing when I die, just a long painless sleep.

Jun 27, 2020
by: Anonymous

This is me from start to finish. I am 61 and I am living every part, just substitute drums for the keyboard. I have never read something so long that is exactly how I feel and what I do each day. Although I still have my company (it's been dead since Covid-19) I have little retirement money after 31 years at it. Looking forward to other comments

Jun 12, 2020
by: Anonymous

Lulubelle ♥

Jun 12, 2020
The need to acknowledge all feelings
by: Anonymous

It fascinates me how as a culture, we label sad and depressed feelings as bad and happy good.
Commercial profiteers promise happiness like a drug that will cure all. Just buy and be happy!
In order to be a fully integrated individual ALL feelings need acknowledgement. The mere acknowledgement and acceptance without judgement of any current feelings can in and of itself give way to a changed perception and feeling.
In my experience I have personally learned the following:
Positive thinking, psychotropic drugs, and therapy can be helpful but in the long run will not make us into someone we are not. Denying feelings is the basis of all addictions. Any question why we are a multi addicted culture is ignorant of cause and effect regarding the human psyche.
I appreciate the honesty and courage it took 63 years old and depressed to be honest regarding this topic.You accurately put into words how many of us senior men feel today. Thank you

Oct 04, 2019
OMG you poor thing!
by: Anonymous

You are an unbelievably critical person. Walking around thinking other people are so dull and you are just too creative to possibly stoop to their level. That you occupy a higher artistic plane and --- dare I say it --- you think your shit doesn't stink. But all these beliefs are getting shaken because you are aging and do not look so physically attractive anymore. That was one place you determined your self worth but when the outside crumbles and there is nothing inside, instead of questioning or examining these beliefs you put others down. Is there hope for you? Maybe if you stared real hard at others souls and waited very patiently until you saw their uniqueness you might not implode. Your definition of uniqueness is you and your hobbies. And that my dear is a very nano tiny, narrow world.

May 28, 2019
by: Lulubelle

Yup is slang for Yes. Yes I'm still here. Made it to 66. Easy? Hell no. Never had the opportunity of going to college, Europe ( until last year), children ( never blessed) etc.. The last " never" was a suicidal trip down the rabbit hole. No children... So I decided that I'd just party myself to death because.... well, what good was it being married with no little ones. That didn't work either. I was too conscientious to be a good partyer. Life, if that's what you call it, proceeded. The saving grace hit me over the head, hard. I remembered, when I was very young, looking out my bedroom window in winter at the bare leafless trees. Seeing the slender branches waving sometimes with snow or ice. They were beautiful, maybe more beautiful than with leaves. Something forever clicked. So when suicide didn't work and depression became a constant entity, what was left? Nature. Yes, nature. Nature is private. It can be your silent partner, right next to you. Nature heals, it doesn't require you to be anything but you. It did help heal my broken heart and life. It still does. It gave me a better way of looking at and dealing with this life, helping me to caretake both my mom , dad and husband until they all passed and experiencing cancer myself. I even remarried. In doing so ended up with 4 stepsons,wives and 6 grandchildren, who are wonderful. Go figure. Is this a happy ending? I took the chance of sticking myself back out there, through nature. The outcome? Did I get what I always prayed for? Yes and no. I did learn that sometimes you get what you need, not in the way you pictured it to happen.I still look out my bedroom window at the trees.

Apr 24, 2019
64 and agree
by: Anonymous

my partner died when I was 59, tried to go back to work only to find company's don't want people over 60. I took Social Security at 62 and get a little money from managing some property and FREE RENT and sell on ebay which does keep me busy. I have 2 cats which is a reason to get up and feed them. I should be happy because I am also in good health, but think of suicide often. Have problems with anxiety and taking meds for that which help a little but cause me to become depressed. You can't win with meds that have side effects. Got counseling but that did not help
Tried to meet men on websites or bars but they do not last. People used to say I do not look my age but I don't hear that anymore and men do want younger women. I live alone, freindships have disapeared and my family is far away and I feel when I contact them I am bothering them. Spent Easter alone. Sometimes they do have Christmas Parties which I am invited. The 60's are horrible

Oct 06, 2018
Appreciate Honesty
by: Lucy

I will be sixty in three months and am consumed by regrets. All I did not do.As a woman,it may be shallow, but I'm terrified losing the attractive parts of myself that makes men sometimes flirt. And I cannot read one more article about the "joys" of turning sixty. Like Norah Ephron, I do not recognize the faces on People magazine. I never made it to Europe or Australia, though Tahoe was nice....except with sixty year old knees I doubt I could hike for miles. I guess I'm not the one to raise anyone's spirits at aging. I have yet to grasp the concept, so often said, that wisdom.in the great asset of aging. I personally would rather be silly and forty.

Sep 30, 2018
to don in s.florida-I'm 64 and in your spot exactly,to a tee
by: Dennis

i'm in your situation exactly!!im only allowed 1000 caharcters to type hereso here goes my best definition of my lifestyle-i go to bed between 9am and noon..i get up at around 8pm.i have no plans except to watch tv,walk to dennys and walmart smetime later,eat dinner and walk the dog..those are the same general plans for every night.I'm all alone.nobody!! my om wnt to the nursing home last january,my dad passed away in 2015 and three days ago i found out my sister(70 yrs old) has cancer..tonight my plans are like every night.dennys walmart on foot.i have no transportation anymore.no friends..i can do what iwant pretty mcvh within reason.with no car i am on foot..i have acquaintancesonly.the waiter and waitress at the denny's.nobody i speak to at denny's knows the extremity of my alone-ness and my lonliness..i have my dog.if anyhtng happened to him i know i'd have a breakdown.i'm very close to my family but i seem to be out living them in good health and living in general.it's hard on me.they were all i had.i still have them but at long distance now and they won't be around for long..it's just my mom and my sister in my life now and my sister doesn't often call anymore..and my mom is in the nursing home and they're trying to get her to accept the life there and to forget the life she had at home with me..they seem to believe it's better for her if she accepts the lifestyle there as the norm.i choose to stay up all night instead of day time cause at night i can go and sit in the diner for hours and they don't care.it's normal in fact.can't do that in the daytime so well as they're busy..i'm in a rural town where it's dead at night all night.as i said you seem to have the same daily lifestyle i have..i'm bipolar and not suicidal but i have to contend with feeling hopeless and lonely --ALONE.For example it's now 10:37pm.i'll watch tv for a while..then go to denny's and walmart on foot.then come home and walk the dog.watch tv or listen to music.surf the net.play it by ear that way until bed time..every night tis is the same scheduleand all by myself,for years now.i'm also losing my looks but attracted to younger women,NOT women MY age.iam very close to my mom and dad and family so losingbeing suddenly without my mom is horribally lonely and effecting me badly.My parents became my BEST friends over the years.I don't ahve my dad anymore and my Mom is stuck in that home.I really have nobody in my life who cares for me anymore and i'm not used to to that and need it.my parents were my life so to speak.and especially my mom.email me please so we can keep each other company.hope it's ok to print my email here-it's djteel@mail.com

Sep 30, 2018
Being single and all alone is very depressing
by: Anonymous

Well being single and all alone all the time for many of us men can be very depressing with no love life at all. And if many of us men had a choice which i am very sure that many others will certainly agree with me that we would love to get married and have a family. The problem is that there are just too many low life very pathetic loser women nowadays to meet which really adds to the problem since they are so very nasty when many of us good men will try to start a conversation with one of these losers. They will Curse at us for no reason at all when we will just say good morning or hello just to get the conversation going which unfortunately it never does work out for a great majority of us. Most women are just so very horrible these days with a lot of very severe mental problems that i can see since who would've ever thought that this was going to happen to many of us men to begin with. It is just too very bad that the real good old fashioned women are all gone since most of the women in those days were real ladies and the very opposite of today which made love really happen in those days. Definitely so much easier finding love back then the way our family members had it with no trouble at all either.

Sep 15, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have been feeling somewhat depressed . . . more life behind me than in front of me... my mind isn't as sharp as it was . . . making silly mistakes . . . these comments shocked me . . . 63 isn't old . . . I am sure you have some friends or can make new ones. church, meditation groups, gym . . . read inspirational material . . . exercise . . . walk somewhere . . . drive somewhere . . . .I am getting up to clean my house and hurn some wonderful candles . . . yoga . . . live life until you die. that's what my mom said . . .

these comments remind me of how blessed I am.

Aug 26, 2018
Hope you find the light within you
by: Drb

I too feel so discouraged and have lost motivation even though I have a personal relationship with God. Very much a loner with my senior dog. I pray for your breakthrough and may you find peace comfort and live again in the golden years

Jul 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

May I suggest reading Michael Pollans Change your Mind. I have many of the same issues you have had. Fortunately I have been in a lovely relationship for 6 years and my only real goal is to make her happy. Still often times I am doing and suffer from social anxiety and bouts of depression. This book is about the use of finding a guided tour to take either psilocybin or LSD. Now before you scoff I only ask you to examine your situation. If the traditional strategies have not worked then be perhaps open minded to a new approach. This is what I am going to do. It is worth the 25 dollar investment. If nothing else it is a fascinating read and I am thinking with your artistic tendencies you would find it stimulating and maybe life changing. Best of Luck.

Jul 24, 2018
To The Last Poster
by: Tom W

I can relate to you well. I have made a few posts on here previously. Sorry to hear that you are widowed. I feel the same way on that, except that I never got married and had wanted to. I think it's called "being disenfranchised" when you want something and it never comes. There is a phrase: "it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all". I don't find that phrase to be helpful.

I don't think that I will ever get married. I had my prostate taken out three years ago due to cancer. So I feel like I cannot ever perform sexually. So it seemed like it sealed the deal for me on that.

Just recently an old college friend of mine, who is my age, just met a woman. My friend is 3000 miles from me. For now he and that woman are emailing each other and they are 3000 miles from each other. He told me that she will be moving to his area. He planned on moving out west (he lives in the east coast, where I came from originally) but for now he has changed his mind because of that woman. Yet, it's unsure if they will have a relationship. I felt like why couldn't that happen for me. But also I feel a sense of grief that the only friend I have who is just like me (never married) will change, just like so many others I knew have.

I live in a condo complex that I'm not crazy about. I don't fit in with my neighbors because they are either coupled, friends, or family. I feel like I'm the only single person living alone in my complex. I want to sell and move out but I feel like it's too risky.

I'm 61 and I would hope to be able to live at least a few more years. With the prostate cancer I had, I still have to keep it in check just in case the cancer comes back. It's possible that it will. I hope to have some fun in my life before I pass away. The future looks bleak to me.

Jul 23, 2018
67 year old male
by: Anon

I'm 67, widowed, no children and mostly alone. I've battled depression, off and on, since I was 19 years old. I'm retired with enough money to last me to the end. I think many people would envy my financial situation. Still, I feel depressed and alone. I feel depressed when I'm around friends. I felt depressed very often when my wife was alive. I don't know why. Some chemical missing in my brain, I suppose. Vitamin D seems to help some, so does the gym. But while helping, these things are not cures. Depression is a constant battle for me. Mostly it seems like a losing battle. I do have good times, sometimes, but the good times seem to be built on a foundation of depression. The good times only mask the depression. They only allow me to forget the depression for a little while but the depression always returns. I really think the depression never really goes away, it just gets hidden for a while.

I'm a christian with much faith in God. I also know that several people in the bible were depressed. I guess depression has always affected many people.

I don't know what the future holds but I am a little fearful at times as I see the decline that comes with old age. Still I trust in God because I know that He is always there and He knows that my life has meaning, even if I don't see, feel it, or understand it.

Jul 20, 2018
Ok I'm 60 and Who Needs a Friend?
by: Texas Tornado

tTo make a long story short, I am pretty cute. I had my children and now they are gone, so I'm a free bird. I like rock music, traveling, and beer. I am a cool ole gal and it seems I am thinking lately that I am feeling lonesome-ish and bored. I dont have a lot of money either. This depresses me somewhat, although I don't need a whole lot to make me happy. Just the basics are enough for me. So if you want to be friends, email me at rorosgal at g mail dot com. I will be glad to travel with you and keep you company. I am very easy going and bunches of fun. I am never pushy toward people. I was raised with plenty of money, so I have a good southern upbringing. It's just now I am limited after raising my kids all alone. Whoohoo, and for that I feel I'm a winner!

Jul 15, 2018
Really? Wahhhhh!
by: Anonymous

I see no reason for you to live, let alone, this pathetic, whiny-ass novel! Cry me a river! You're an idiot!

Jul 11, 2018

2:07 PM 7/11/2018
i'm 63- male-extremely lonely..i want to explain why and detailed ,yet make it as brief as possible..so here goes..i was diagnosed in 1980 as unempoyable and bipolar...back then it was called Manic Depression. It was simple back then,the dr sent info to the government and they began delivering the disability check to your mailbox....over time , it was auto deposited instead.it was unheard of in 1980 for a 26 year old to be unmemployed or even have a total disability that you couldn't see..So for most of my life from that time onward i was harassed by cops ,chased and shot at by tenants who thought i was a narc,cursed at and put down by most that i told about my disability and unemployment,called names like user,freeloader,scum of society and many more that usually had the implication that i was a society leech stealing the money from hard working people's pockets.. In reality my disability money i was getting was based on a percentage of my fathers social security.. and my parents were giving me an allowance each week so that i would have pocket money after i paid my bills..my parents continued to support me in that aspect until a few years ago. i'm now 63..they were paying for my cable bill,my auto insurance,etc while i paid for my rent.my parents and i were close and very loving united family.All of us Christians..In fact since I have been disabled I've had so much free time i studied for the ministry online and was ordained in may of 2010 ..iadmit i'm a Holy Roller so don''t cross me ,i'll place my hands on your thighs and heal your legs together..,,LOL ..i'm not legalistic though..in fact my lonliness is so heavy and thick you'd think that as a minister i would be able to handle it better.. or even start a church , which would resolve my lonliness..but starting a church means investment..money..i have the education and i have a church charter..i actually have a ministry on paper and it's legal..i just don't have the building and the means whereby to hold services and i don't have trasnportation..no vehicle..i'll start an online ministry sooner or later as i do have a webcam pc and there's always youtube..but that's a ways off still.. Lonliness is something i suffer tremendously..I'm 63 years old and look to be closer to 50..i don't feel old cause i never felt the progression of age..i feel exactly as i did in my mid 30's..no pains no aches i still walk a mile a day top pace without getting breathless,..in fact carrying on a conversation on the phone as i walk..but that's the problem kind of ..i feel young and i still like doing young things that most my age don't seem to enjoy anymore..i have over 3000 music videos of the 80's and 90's and 2000's and i could sit and watch those all night..i'm a night person and sleep days..i enjoy watching tv shows a good part of my day..tv shows like "Sliders" and new series' like "The Good Place" and The Blacklist" and Blindspot" quite a few more..I enjoy hanging at the Diner at 2am for hours just drinking coffee and doing my tablet on their wifi..i love just sitting and playing music that i downloaded and burned on to CDR..i find that so many people my age don't even listen to music except when they're in their car going from point A to point B..(i want to visit point b someday as i hear it's beautiful)..
anyway..i haven't had a best male friend since 1995.. i haven't had a girlfriend or even dated since 1986..I'm not a bad looking guy i'm just unemployed and rather shy because of it..but both cause me problems and each for different reasons of course.. i have a dog..a ten year old Jack Russell named Patches..My mother was taken to the nursing home in January against my will and hers too..she went to the ER as she had aquired a UTI and it got pretty bad ..since her 'nor i had transportation ,i had to call an ambulance to take her ..the doctor at the hospital put her in the nursing home to recooperate and the state told me a month later that she was not coming home because when she got to the hospital her infection was bad and they viewed it as neglect..well i won't go into it much but let me say that nursing homes as well as Adult Protective Services are imo part of a system that is crooked as hale and out for money moreso than any caring or compassion they might verbally lay claim to..i've been so lonely without her that i sometimes just sit and bawl forever..i see her once a week for a couple hours and she tells me all the time that she wants to come home..that she's lonely..i'm working on it too..Her insurance applied to what she has in her account each month might qualify her to have around the clock nusres ..in shifts..24/7 home care..i'll know for sure in about two weeks or less.i'm so lonely that if i have to do Thanksgiving and the Christmas season alone , i don't know how in the hale i'll manage it as i'd be in so so much depression ..You'd think that as a minister i'd have some kind of magic wand bearing the power of Yeshua to wave around and make my life wonderfully miraculously a Holy Walt Disney World of fairy dust and glitter..nope..it don't work that way..Sure i believe i'm doing better with god in my life than not,,but never let it be said by anyone that for ministers , life is a sunny day at the beach with never any problems unless their Jet breaks down..it ain't so..i don't understand why it's so hard to find people my age that enjoy things like doing the lake at 2am.. and cruising in the car on the cb radio and parking on a high hill , trying to talk to some trucker that's two or three states away..driving in the car at 3am, and happening on to some road in the country i've never seen before so i follow it til i see where it leads..i use to do that kinda stuff and i would STILL LOVE doing stuff like that but not alone..but i am..have been for over 30 years..no best or even good friends..just aquaintances..waitresses i've met and because i'm a regular i see them every night and because it's 2am or later and dead,we visit for hours..then i become attached because i've been talking to them every night..they don't become even close though..-they could quit that job ,go to work elsewhere and never even think twice about their friend that they'd been talking to every night for a year or more..i don't understand how people don't become attached ..over a year..every night ..talking for two hours at least and longer some nights-.apartment neighbors the same thing..visit them nearly every day for an hour for a year or two..they move on later and never even act as though they're gonna miss you for a second..My Dog and i..we're each other;s best friend..he gets jealous and yells at me if i even look at another dog and if he gets friendly with people when we're out walking i get jealous and i bite them ..and btw,the only reason i tend to kind of joke around anymore is because if i didn't..i'd cry and never stop..being depressed this heavily isn't easy to contend with. if i didn't have so much music and video content and 'things' to occupy me, i'd be wallowing deep in clinical depression in therapy and not pulling out of it and probably heavily medicated the rest of my life....i hope i never fall that far..i believe my education and faith as a minister is maybe the only thing keeping me afloat..that and my dog..and the possibility of my mom returning home..i love my dog ..he's like a little baby with fur all over him..just like me when i was his age..and i cherish my mom with all my heart..I don't know about others my age,but i really prefer to have in my life,one BEST friend as opposd to a group of 'GOOD 'friends. there's a difference in a bowling buddy and a best friend.. So..i guess i'll put on A Flock Of Seagulls and pour a glass of ice cold coke.anybody wanna come over and watch tv with me?

Jun 27, 2018
Sounds Like Me
by: Anonymous

Sounds like.. at 60 still work in a full time career.. but miserable every day.. Old friends and I have nothing in common. I have hobbies but struggle to do them.. Getting old, tons of regrets, single man and no hope for the future... it all happened so fast.. I was doing ok till last year then boom I'm old.. I figure I will be alone and die alone.

Jun 07, 2018
by: Longlivedixie

TRAVEL Man. That is my advice. It is something of a cure-all for me, also a single man and a man utterly alone at 63.

Myself, I love Thailand and have been blessed to have spent about 2.5 years there off and on in the last decade. But sadly, my finances no longer allow it.

Ya ever want some advice about the country, feel free to holler at me.

God bless and good luck.

May 19, 2018
by: Kathleen

It sort of sounds like my life. I never had children presentably I feel the same way hate everything everybody.

Oh well where do I go from here.

May 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

Ok, so helping mom and other elderly, has made me feel very old. I have been taught to help others if I can. No problem but when I sit there and let them rattle and repeat stories, its drives me nuts. I force myself not to throw up at all the white gray hair. At 63 I still have to work for a living. To survive in a generation of old people that appears to be dragging me down. I get no freebees, no VA benefits, no handouts. Yet society guilt's us into thinking its our responsibility to care for the elderly. They Failed to plan for it. Assume the children would take care of them when they got old. Look, I know we all age, but adding other peoples aging is not healthy. With all of this, comes Depression. I feel NO ONE CARES. I trust NO BODY. As a Military Vet, I am mission driven and its the only thing that is getting me by. Survive, Prepare and Watch your back. Society is a fairy tale filled with white gray hair all over the place. Help.

Apr 16, 2018
Life in the 60s
by: Anonymous

I’m not quite sure if these are the Golden Years from reading posts here but what I have felt is a sense of sameness that brings comfort ...I think the beginning of each decade brings challenges and I see a familiarity in the 60s with reading these posts.im going on 30 years of marriage and while there are financial advantages I think marriage becomes two people sitting in separate rooms doing their own thing,going out but without a lot to say that’s stimulating as it once was..Here’s what’s worked for me...a spiritual practice(whatever works for you) staying intune with my body with nutrition and exercise,having an animal to take care of,volunteering to help get out of myself,keeping my expectations on the low end and writing a gratitude list at the end of the day... and darn it some days it just sucks,but I try to see each day at January 1st... another day to start again.....sometimes it just feels good to smoke a joint ,drink wine and listen to music....and reminisce about the days gone by,old lovers......and friends...even if it’s just a few good ones....peace to you all on this journey of aging.....it gets tough

Apr 15, 2018
56 years old depressed married woman
by: Anonymous

I'm so depressed and lonely. Seeing doctor and taking antidepressants. Nothing help, my marriage is like living with roommate, no communication, no love, My husband is untisocial and I lost most of my friends,because of this, over the years. I've made so many financial mistakes in the past and can't forgive myself. Nothing makes me happy, struggle everyday just to get up and go to work. Life lost all meaning...

Mar 31, 2018
62 and depressed as well
by: Anonymous

This depression started about 60 and has increased rapidly since Jan 5 of this year when I broke my femur in a store. The store is not accepting liability. Fortunately, I had health insurance, but no sick leave and after 3 months, I have used all savings. My lawsuit denied and I'm going to have to pull out my retirement next week. I can't stop crying. I had plans for this part of my life. Within 3 years the money will be gone. That is, if i continue living tight and miserable. I live in the youngest average age town in america, 22. It is a military town and I do not fit. the reason I am here is I came to care for my Dad who died almost 2 years ago. I haven't left because I have a house that is paid for, but I have lots of bills that I can't pay now without using my retirement. I don't know when, or if, I can work again. I haven't been in a regular job in over 9 years now, and listing food delivery isn't going to cut it on a resume. I can probably drive for Uber soon. I've just started driving this past week, but still can barely walk. Since the fall, I have had to depend on my daughter and that is not fun. I want to do things when I want and hate the constant waiting and waiting. I notice most of the people here are male, and I am female, but I can so relate. It's like, Who is going to hire me, past 60, not having been employed professionally the past 9 years. I have gaps in whatever is new anyway. This broken femur thing has really deepened my depression.

Mar 11, 2018
To The Last Poster, Joy
by: Tom W

I'm very glad to hear that you have found Hospice to work with. It's great that you are helping others and having a purpose for yourself. However, for me and others on here, I work full-time at a regular job. I work as an Office Support person at a high-tech company. I love what I do and it brings me joy to be of help to others there.

If I had the time I would love to do something like what you are doing. I have my full-time job along with domestic things I have to do, since I live by myself. Also I spend time having to care for myself (exercising).

Three years ago I had my entire prostate removed from cancer. While I was at home recovering, the church I was going to had some to deliver meals for me. It was nice of them to do that, but I felt like the help was sub-standard. The food was not good and healthy and no one at the church ever came into my apartment to talk and encourage me. Needless to say, I didn't go back to that church after I recovered.

When I retire (if I ever live long enough to do that) I would love to volunteer to do something that would make other lives better. Especially I would like to be able to spend time with those who are ill and lonely. There are so many and there seems to be a tremendous need for that.

Keep up doing a good job! I'm sure those people at Hospice love you for it.

Mar 11, 2018
Realizing My Blessings
by: Joy

I have been reading all the comments. And I thought I was the only one who had problems.
After reading all of this I know that my life is so blessed. I am a srecond time widow.Have been feeling down .
I have reached out to a grief counselor. I belong a Hospice group.
We walk, lunch , dinner, book club. Take trips.
If you look on the web you will find other Hospice groups. Join! It has made a huge difference for me.
Morning..get up,
Make your bed!
Take a shower and get dressed like you are going to meet a good friend.
eat a healthy breakfast.
Read helpful daily readings.
Go for a walk.
Sit in the sun.
Look in the mirror and practice smiling.
Talk to yourself about positive things.
Oh, I am 80years old.
Married at 74 for the second time.
He died after being very ill for nearly all of our 5 years together.
Thought My life was over.
Well it is not so going to make the best of it.
I do understand your pain .
But literally God helps those who help themselves. God does not create garbage only beauty and you a a part of His beauty.
Thought I would never be alone again
Well I am and I practice all the things I listed.

Feb 07, 2018
What's to come of me
by: Anonymous

61 year old female here, living alone! My family, what's left of them live many miles away. I can barely afford my rent! I stumbled on to this site and I see I am one of many suffering this hell! Oh believe it or not, I am a Christian! Spend a lot of time with God, I believe he can perform miracles!But nothing is changing so far in my life! I should mention I am taking antidepressants, have been for many years! I try to overcome all the anquish inside me because I do not choose this sad life! Who would?

Jan 22, 2018
Interesting (from one who understands)
by: Anonymous

In reading these multiple postings, it appears some totally understand, some may be having a good or bad day and a couple who have no idea.
Personally I've had Anxiety and Depression for decades. Sometimes it's manageable and sometimes it is very, very difficult.
As for the root cause of all this......after a lifetime of therapy, self reflection, etc.... it may be genetics, life's experiences or a combination of both.
I've had good days, bad days and even a week long hospitalization. It's here, it's gone, it's never ending. Anxiety.....unless you've had it there is no way you'll understand the disorder. Depression is a close cousin but the feelings are totally different.
However (in my case on this day) Depression has reared it's ugly head and I find myself writing here.
I paid attention to my emotions while reading these postings. I'd say today it's best if I google up motivational memes. In other words, I'm doing what I can to get through this particular day.
Whatever your struggle may be, I trust you'll do what is best for you to get through this day.
Peace be with all..........

Jan 21, 2018
Old, but in relatively good health
by: Anonymous

I've always been a happy, optimistic, out-going person, and I've had a good life, and experienced traveling, meeting famous people that I admired. But there is just something about getting old that I hate, and that's because I never wanted to live a long life, and become old and totally alone. Well, sure enough it has come upon me. I took care of her because I loved her, and it's the Christian thing to do. Then I got back together with an ex-husband - AMEN TO THAT!
He started going downhill rapidly, and shockingly. I got hospice to come to our home, and he lasted five days. Both died back to back within the span of 3 months. Twice I tried to get a business going from home so that I would be OK losing my main breadwinners, but then the other would start declining.
I had to move 4-5 times within that year living
with friends. I'm on a waiting list for section 8 housing in GA, but NOTHING is available, not even a shelter there unless you have children.
The problem is, my friends tell me I can pay a modest amount to live with them, but none of them really want anyone living with them, and I can surely sense it. I clean house for them, take out the trash, walk their dogs, feed their rabbits, vaccum the carpets, do dishes, and it's never enough. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, and I'm a kind person. Yep, I was an upper middle-classed person and overnight I became almost homeless. I went totally across the country to live with one of my husband's brother's and sister-in-laws in my own private house that they built. No one had lived in it since their mother had died. Well, the sister-in-law was jealous of me (of what?). She didn't really want me there another brother of my husbands' told me. He was bi-polar and an alcoholic and I had to leave ALL my earthly belongings except a few clothes that would fit in my car. His other brother told me the wife treated me just like she did their mother. I drove across the country to live with my older aunt who waited until I got to GA to tell
me she had changed her mind about me living with her. I had no choice but to ask my best friend if I could stay with her husband, daughter, and grand-daughter. I got a good job that I loved
and then I got let go because they said I wasn't fast enough. Now, I'm with another friend I didn't know too well in FL. and I pay her to be there as well. She waited until the day after I paid her rent to tell me she didn't really want a roommate and to leave. I had nowhere to leave to. I learned she made her own daughter leave after 2 mos. All my life I've let my relatives stay for weeks on end with me, and also one I supported for a year rent free when she was going through hard times. My friend told me a man who had a four bedroom house near her wanted a roommate. We met at a restaurant, and he started off saying he was selling his house in 6 mos. and that he liked to lay around naked and was dating two girlfriends. He didn't even talk to me at all and knows nothing about me. This was my last chance to not be homeless. I'm scared to death.

Jan 05, 2018
Found a good source that has really helped me.
by: Anonymous

I was struggling when I first posted here, same as many. Failed marriages, business's, you name it. I sobered up in 1989 and I have been an active daily member since. I was anonymously directed to a life coach whom I have never met. He/she talks to me for free and is truly experienced in life. I have paid thousands for therapy with little results but I did find something here immediately and then to my life coach. (1compdr.com) I hope I can post this as it has literally changed my life in a short period. I love this site, thank you.

Jan 05, 2018
I should be grateful
by: Anonymous

I just turned 60 and am sitting here at 3 am filling like a total failure. I am lucky really. I have a beautiful relationship with an incredible woman. I have a nice house. My health is very good. My problem is a small business venture I started 4 years ago is failing and I feel worthless because of it. All my life I have struggled to achieve and it has been an up and down battle. I have made mistakes and cannot seem to forgive myself. My father was harsh and although I feel like a wimp I care those wounds with me. Now this. Christ I just want some peace. I feel if I escaped from the world and no one knew me I would feel happier then this perceived judgement that hangs over my head like a sword. Buddha said to learn to love yourself but I have never been able to do that. All this piles up on me over the years like the chains on Marley's ghost. I am such a fool. Thanks for listening.

Dec 22, 2017
Been there myself
by: Anonymous

It's not hard to see that you have a mood disorder. I'm no doctor, but you are describing the symptoms and behaviors of someone who is bipolar. You need help immediately. If you do not get help, you are going to sink further into the depths of the disease. Trust me, I have been there. I became suicidal. Fortunately, I got the help I needed and it was a good thing.

Life is worth living every day. There is always something for which we can be thankful.

Take care of yourself. You need the help of professionals who will help you get out of the pit you are in now. You are 63, not 83! Break free....

Dec 17, 2017
I relate.
by: desperate

I feel your pain also. I am 62 and am still married to a woman that I love. She suffers from mental illness that is getting worse with the passing time. Her son (not mine) is living with us. He also suffers with mental illness, but refuses to do anything to deal with it. My wife accepts her mental illness, but also does not seek help. I have to endure violent and destructive behavior from both of them. I don't want to divorce my wife, but it is the only way to make my life tolerable. I owe it to my wife to do the best I can to make sure that she can live out her life with dignity. As for my stepson, he is with us because he has to pay alimony. He is 44 years old and in my opinion, deserves what he gets. He doesn't care at all about how his abusive and violent behavior affects anyone. I have been forced out off my own house due to my wife's paranoia. I told her if that happens again, I will divorce her, sell the house and never have anything to do with her ever again. It breaks my heart to do that to her, but she has to realise that her choice to refuse treatment of her condition will come with consequences. After all, she supposedly loves me too. Am I approaching my situation constructively? At what point is it ok to abandon your wife due to mental illness? My gut tells me that I should never do that. My ethics won't allow it. I love her and I will cave in and take care of her, no matter how abusive she gets. After all, I knew about this when I married her.

Dec 13, 2017
I feel you pain
by: Anonymous Dan

The only way I treat my depression is to watch "Family Guy." Seriously, it helps my to laugh like nothing else.

Nov 29, 2017
Communication with others
by: 63rd Birthday is Saturday

Your post was so well written, look at all the responses you have received. All the people you have inspired to write their thoughts. We all loved the way you exposed your tender soul to the world.
I suggest you continue writing maybe instead of one of those uplifting self help books a book about the real path that so many of us travel. The path of self examination and search for happiness or lack of.
You are overlooking a quality in yourself.

Nov 21, 2017
The field - revised
by: w~

You cannot edit these posts, unfortunately

The fifth paragraph didn't read well, very confusing, so I revised it here..

"Where are you standing, the front, middle or end of the line? Are you young, old or in between?

It matters where you are somewhat, but we experience all the feelings of sadness, loneliness and despair at different points in life.

How can you make your life better, what can you do, what's the next positive thing you can accomplish to move in a new direction?

There is no certain way life happens, but it does happen and we are happening at this moment for the good or bad.

Why not try and do the best next thing for yourself, if you can hear this. If you can't pull yourself off the magnetic force of despair get help! At some point you get through whatever one way or the other, so try and do the next best thing as much as you can.

Never underestimate the possibility that life can change for the better, no matter what."

Nov 17, 2017
I understand that.
by: Anonymous

I have been self-employed for 30+ years and begin down sizing in 2010. I closed all of my computer stores in 2010 and retired. I got divorced and had to go back to work. Got everything paid off and was very happy, didn't date or anything for 8 years. Then I met someone who had everything paid as well and owned her home supposedly and I married her, 5 years, went broke again and now Im in a nice apt and a car payment. Motorcycle wreck in April 2016 sidelined me with little forensic work in the field but still some remote from home. Starting over. No women thus far, not marring again too late. I too like keeping to myself but I get lonely a couple days a month. I have 5 grown kids. Still haven't settled the suit with person who hit me or pulled in front of me. Anyway I find myself just sad and I cry randomly..more and more recluse. Maybe we should talk on the phone or Facebook?

Nov 17, 2017
Stressed and Depressed
by: Anonymous

I can understand everyone's feelings. At 62 my job of 21 years is being eliminated. I am stressing about finances and how I will manage. How hard will it be to find another job at my age. Feel lonely and not valued. My life was my job, now what? Stressed, sad, sick, and depressed.

Nov 14, 2017
63 yrs and feeling the same
by: Me too

I almost found it laughable but hey sounds quite similar to me.
I had opportunities and have done reasonably well,3 great kids but somehow I'm really quite unlikeable.Well I'm not really that fond of myself.
My saving grace is my passion for activity,but prefer solo as I get on reasonably well with myself.

Nov 13, 2017
by: Anonymous

This sounds like me. I had a great buisness, wife divorced me and lost almost everything. Still paying alimony. I wake up everyday with guilt and not much energy. It does sound like we are just passing time. My fomer wife made sure i wasnt goin to have enough money to retire. I wish we could just do anything and then take a pill when we are done with life.

Oct 28, 2017
To The Last Annoymous Poster
by: Tom

I agree with what you had to say. Except for going to church. I have been going to church for many years; and in my experiences in going, I've felt like it exasperated my depression more than it helped it.

Being single all of my life, church experience was pretty good in my 20s. From my 30s and up to now it has not been great. Lately it's become worse for me. I feel like it's a burden to go to church.

The people that go to church are practically all couples and some with kids. And nowadays, especially with the mainline denoms., it's mostly very old people. To me it seems like all of those types of people don't want to have anything to do with a middle aged single man like me.

Lots of times I leave church feeling like, "what happened?" It's like a feeling of disillusionment and some anger that no one would take the time to talk to me. I have tried every kind of church imaginable. All the same!

For me personally I keep myself busy. I work, workout a lot, go bike riding during my time off, and other active things. I admit that I have social anxiety, especially with strangers. And that's the kind of world I live in. So that doesn't help. People in general are just not drawn to you when you have S.A. and depression.

I have not been successful in making and keeping friends. Being over 60 it gets very hard to make friends. It seems like it's getting worse instead of better. So I feel like that's the cause of my depression.

Oct 26, 2017
The answer..........
by: Anonymous

Depression comes from a guilty conscience especially when age creeps on on us. I'm soon to be 67 years old and I have so many regrets that I won't begin to list them all but I can't go back and change any of the stupid things I did. The only answer is to turn your life over to Christ Jesus and go to church. Staying home all the time and alone is the worst thing you can do because you have nothing but time and your own thoughts to deal with.

Oct 25, 2017
63 years old lonely
by: Keith

I have related to all. I understood every word. I cannot shake this doom and gloom as I have in the past. I am praying God will shake me. A motorcycle accident in 2016 left me with a left tibia plateau crushed and separated ankle from the leg. No more impact running, climbing or hiking etc. Hard to bend and squat and so on. Cant tell too much but this has added to the doom and all my retirement is dwindled since the law suit is not settled or will be. My mind is sharp when not concerned about the future. I cannot seem to connect much with the world. I have been in recovery from alcohol for almost 30 years, sober and active with lots of friends whom love and admire me. I feel drab and uncreative. I am having to go back to work again but the agony of sales or finding a job is daunting. There is nothing more crazy than loneliness however when I am with people I want to be alone. I'm just not happy for some reason I cannot forgive my failures now enjoy my successes.

Oct 22, 2017
I Wish We Can All Get Together
by: Tom

I have made a couple of comments on here before. Not in a while. I've noticed that quite a few have mentioned that they are all alone and, maybe, no friends in sight. It's not just here but at other sites as well.

I pretty much feel the same way. It would be so nice if we all could get together at someplace. To me it seems like everyone else around me has it all together and I don't. I'm somewhat aware that it's not true, but it sure seems that way. As a lot of you would notice, when you just approach someone to make small talk with, lots of times they would say, "I'm OK" when you ask them, "how are you?". Are they really OK? I get the feeling they don't want to take the time to talk about what's going on with their lives.

Oct 18, 2017
Living Alone
by: 63 in Georgia

You just wrote my life for me. My biggest fear is dying alone. I have nobody. I just don't know where to go from here but as I have always done I will manage.

Oct 15, 2017
Lonely in PA
by: Anonymous

I've read all your stories and can relate. I just turned 60 this year and feel like what's the use. I lost my job this year and now starting over again at a new job at age 60. I had a great marriage, beautiful family and home and now it's all gone. My ex-husband left me after 8 years of marriage and went on to get married and have 2 other kids. Now I'm here alone and don't have anyone to grow old with. It doesn't seem fair and just feel sad. I'm in debt and should be getting ready to retire yet have no one to share the burden with. My 3 grown children have their own lives and I just feel like I'm all alone just going through the motions of living. I try to keep positive yet it's hard. I hope God hears me.

Sep 14, 2017
Where have all the flowers gone - Part 2
by: w~

I wrote before on this thread of comments and just found the notice in my email there were new comments. Not realizing I would get notified this has been a welcome surprise as the topic is so relevant to me.

'Everyone is different' is an understatement yet most people don't really understand how different people really are. In the worse conditions some people rise and others fall down...that is quite a difference.

The truth is (if there is such a thing as truth) you can do something about your situation but you will have to come out of your comfort zone and you will have to risk and you might fail.

At this point it's either you risk or continue living your life the way it is, unsatisfied and depressed.

Challenge yourself with something, anything and see if you can get some traction.

Sep 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

60 a beautiful woman inside and out...
but never wanted from birth..
I made a good life for my 3 children and I.
But then came corp. downsizing...I lost everything...and now feel as if I live my life in a dark pit.. just waiting for death..
if not for an ex all my utilities would have long ago ceased to exist...I no not where to go from here..I've taken to just sleeping my days away.. .

Sep 13, 2017
Alright Already
by: Anonymous

Get over it Donnie boy! Enough already OK!6

Sep 13, 2017
Niñito muy malo
by: DÑ.

C'mon Don (if real name) please get help.! Like right now.

Aug 21, 2017
Feel much better
by: Alice Jitter-Feet

Thanks. I was feeling very depressed and hopeless until I read your story. It made me laugh because your self assessment is so honest and rather witty. I am 67 and a total failure. I wasted my talents and wvery chance I had for success. I was a neglectful selfish parent and my kids don't like me. I left 2 good marriages and ended up with a bigger loser than myself. After reading your story I realise I am a fool to regret anything and I have been boiling in a cauldron on regret for years. Fact is compared to a lot of people who worked harder,tried harder and were loyal loving partners I am pretty happy. So on the

Aug 20, 2017
by: lanny

Dear Tanya

Happy birthday for yesterday.

Sounds as though youve had difficult tomes and my heart goes out to you.

Hope you follow your dream

Aug 20, 2017
Turned 67 yesterday
by: Tanya

I've read everyone's comments and I feel like I know you personally! I turned 67 years young yesterday...I say young because I mostly live in the past in my mind..that's where I want to be..back in 1968 when I graduated High School in Berkeley, California. I am divorced, living alone in a motel in Carson City, Nevada for the past 8 years...same room! It's what I can afford but I really really really want to leave and move back to the Bay Area - to San Francisco...yeah, yeah, yeah...it's totally expensive but you know what? I don't care if I end up homeless which most likely will happen. I will live in my car for awhile, occasionally staying in a motel here and there with my Social Security money. I just want to be in San Francisco because I grew up in Berkeley and spent a lot of time in SF - my first job there and so forth - lots of memories, wow! So that's what I'm planning...we'll see. My son, my only child, is 47 and lives here in Carson in an apartment with his moderately autistic 11 year old son who really is a sweetheart but is on SSI because of his autism. He is smart in many ways but very immature and will need to be looked after his whole life I believe. I have done what I can to help out but it is never enough and it is time to help myself because yes of course I am fucking depressed. I need to find the strength to take the chance to do what I truly want to do. I need support and not many are willing to do that - they are afraid for me but I tell them what the hell do I have to lose? It's not like I would be penniless when I am homeless - I have my little car and my Social Security and my sweet child like ideas - I want to go out with a bang - I want to go to the ocean, go on a roller coaster and scream like the dickens!I want to find me a nice decent guy who will help me to laugh...that's what makes me want to keep living...

Aug 17, 2017
similar similar feelings
by: lanny

Im 62 and on my own and always seem to be on my own. I was a very attractive woman and suppose still slim but look my age. I am I think kind and caring but seem to have been overlooked all my life partly because I do not scream or shout enough or maybe its just false pride although that keeps me going.
Yes I have friends people I really like and care about but they have their own lives. I used to talk to people years ago and watched their eyes glaze over and did not feel any better for doimg it.
I live in London England. Do a professional job at which I am pretty awful. Ridiculous I have been doing it for 30 years but need the money and itvis not particularly well paid. I gave up my permanent job last december and travelled in Asia for 4 months. I have travelled much over the last 30 years and psrt of the reason I stayed in my last job for so long was that until about 5 years ago I could take a couple of months unpaid leave.
I have academic interests linked to travel and Asia and completed a Masters degree 10 years ago part time. All sounds great on paper but I am morbidly sensitive and although not so cripplingly shy as I was years ago its still there and makes me awkward when I do not mean to be

I suppose I have covered up my shyness by not wanting to bother so much with small talk.

I am deeply critical of others if I feel they are neglectful and friends who are probably just caught up in their own lives.
I have siblings and a good relationship with my niece but of course I am peripheral to her life.
She has children and is about to move away from London.
I feel I am in a glass cage
Nothing seems to change for me over the decades. I have tried so hard.
I have wanted to leave this planet for so long. I dont want to hurt others although I am distant enough for it not to be too painful
I am getting to the stage where I am not sure I can function.
I feel bad about feeling depressed. I have been to the doctor once or so about it but could not cope with CBT. Too impatient.
I tried meditation for years but never got to grips with it.
I feel consumed by loneliness and have run out of hope.

Aug 12, 2017
Where have all the flowers gone..
by: Anonymous

I can relate to Don's story in more ways than one at 64 years of age. My last relationship ended 2 years ago leaving me dead emotionally. The person that came in to my life brought so much, family, community and love. What more could you ask for, but I somehow managed to ruin things for both of us. Now she is gone and married. I regret what happened in that relationship, it was a real chance for a fulfilling life.

I doubt anything will come along again like that, as it took almost a whole lifetime to get to me.

Feel like what's the point, I've wasted my life...living on the edge, never taking the plunge, never getting wet.

You must admit, life is a miracle and somehow it's important to do something about it and not simply lay down and allow shovel fulls of dirt thrown on top. Maybe Don has already done that, the first response to his post was back in 2011.

I hope that somehow I can overcome my current limitations, physically, mentally and emotionally and take the plunge and hope you can too.

The mind is powerful, try and put it to good use.

It's too bad you don't get notifications when someone posts here as I have rally enjoyed reading the responses from people, I don't feel so alone.


Jul 25, 2017
When was this post
by: Jack

Don of South Florida- WHEN did you post this? Why are you not responding to people?

Jack 7/25/17

Jul 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

Just found this site. Helpful to know I am not the only one that has some of the same feeling as others here. I will continue to read until I feel comfortable to say why I am depressed for I should have nothing to be depressed about.

Jul 08, 2017
Response to my 63 year old friend in FLA
by: Anonymous

Wow, your writing mirrors myself....my feelings. You captured and reflected my exact feeling. The more I read, research, uncover the more disgust I have about life.

If I had the money there are many places I would go to actually life the rest of my life uncovering many deep philosophical beliefs ......

Remember The Celestine Prophecy? I believe spiritually some of us may have come to this very point in our lives for a reason. I have been thru a near death experience when I was 19. My dead maternal grandmother told me when I rose out of my body 'You need to go back, this is not your time' . Must have been right!

What's next? Your guess is as good as mine. I've been chosen to stay for a reason.

Jul 06, 2017
Cut Yourself and People some Slack
by: Anonymous

I understand exactly what you are saying. I used to sometimes destroy friendships and relationships to the point of not only burning the bridge but blowing it into oblivion. Sometimes I test people to see what and how they respond. Sometimes I get annoyed and say exactly how I feel. This is really not helpful to me at all in the long run. So I am pushing myself to not respond negatively. People who were raised by negative people often do what you and I do. Only we can change ourselves period. People are human and no one is ever going to be perfect.No one wants to age it's a natural process. So those barriers have not only not worked for you, but left you feeling more miserable than ever. Only you can tear the walls down. Younger women make you feel good because that is what your ego tells you. Ego can be your worst enemy sometimes. We all are guilty of assessing people.About what they can or cannot bring into our lives. Sometimes it's easier to dismiss someone even if you are attracted to them because of fear to take the risk of vulnerability. I have a wonderful friend he is your age, a successful musician whose height was in the 80's. He has online relationships with several women whom he had slept with at one time or another.They are safe until one wants to see him again in person.Then he becomes overly critical and has to control the friendship. He self coaches to push them away because any feeling is uncomfortable. He has been married a couple of times which failed for one reason or another. He only really wants what he cannot have because it's safe. He has resigned himself to being reclusive and alone. He says he is tired but really he is depressed. I believe in his mind he has already accomplished what he wanted professionally.Personally not so much he misses his younger days and investing into someone new is too risky, and uncomfortable. Therefore what is the use. This to me is a travesty of a beautiful man who has more or less given up. Is this really what you want? If not then you have to change. You have to force yourself to be open to the notion of even you have lived an exciting, positive life when you were young, doesn't mean you cannot in later years. Pushing yourself to an uncomfortable limit and then past it. Over time it gets easier to open yourself up. Stop the critical self dialog when it comes on, push out the overly critical assessment of women who want to spend time with you. Push yourself to socialize a little more. Small steps, push yourself to go for a walk or some type of exercise. I am doing this now I have new goals after each one I accomplish. Never surrender to self loathing. Its going to be the hardest thing you will ever do at first. Everyone has had a loss or failure in their lifetime. I have had many but I look at them as a lesson learned. Life is precious and being human even with all it's faults is a gift. Don't waste the time you have with unhappiness. I am a nurse,who has seen a lot of people pass. In the end it is only regret of inaction that prevails.

Jun 25, 2017
60 and depressed
by: Anonymous

I am a 60 (almost 61) year old woman living in south Florida also. Although my actual situation is different, I feel I can totally relate to Don't.I feel hopeless, depressed and negative. I dont want to be around other people much. I can't bring myself to join anything to meet people. I love with my daughter, my 3 grandchildren, my alcoholic "boyfriend" and his best friend. I love my grandchildren but they are hard to handle.A hyperactive 7 year old and 2 toddlers, 1 and 2 years old. I only get a small pension. I feel like a slave. I do all the work in the house for everyone! I ask for help, I get angry, I get sad, I've tried discussions, but nothing changes. They dimply dont care. My daughter is young and has an active life. My boyfriend is an alcoholic narcissist. We can't even have a conversation. The situation can't change because we need his help with the rent. I have cut off my college friends because I'm embarrassed about my life. I went to an Ivy League University and I'm living in poverty.All of my college friends have great careers and their children have been to college. They live in beautiful homes in nice communities. I feel I have destroyed my life and I can't find anyway out of this nightmare. I dont want to see my grandkids grow up poor and I feel helpless and unable to truly help them. My husband and my mother died 10 years ago and I have never recovered. They were my best friends. I feel unhealthy and like I can't cope with even 1 more thing. I feel angry and bitter all the time and just dont know what to do!!

Jun 07, 2017
Work Keep our minds off brooding
by: Anonymous

I'm 62-1/2, retired. I keep thinking why I was not depressed and constantly thinking about depressing thoughts before my retirement. I came to realize that I was just too darn busy and occupied with all sorts of work distractions to have any extra time for deeper reflection on life.
So now, I force myself to complete personal projects on time. Its not always easy to do because there is no boss to pressure me to get things done--and when under no pressure, I fall off the wagon time again and end up depressed thinking about deeper meanings of life. If I can only force myself to be engrossed in my projects and forget my troubles, I think I can be content. No body ever figures out deeper meanings anyway--there is none.. You just have to make one up yourself, and don't be too intellectually honest either, As life ends goes, nobody finishes life when it is finally finished.

May 23, 2017
60 years old and finding it hard to accept being 'old'
by: Majel

Turned 60 last year and in a state of sadness mixed with regret mixed with depression (have always been emotionally up and down since I can remember). Married with a family which keeps me sane and 'needed'. Not yet retired but have taken the last 3 months off work due to lung problems / scarring of lungs probably due to old infection, hopefully not progressive but not yet clear on whether it is or not. Taking time off work has made me feel 'worse' emotionally but also has made me think about how I am going to feel when I do retire as work gives me a perspective in my life even tho it is dealing with public most of the time. But I have come to realise that we need other people in our lives whether through employment or voluntary work (which I intend to get involved in when I do retire). If we exist in our own 'World' without meeting other people, we will become very self-centred and lonely and live a meaningless life. You should find a Community group where you can help others who need it, and you need to meet other people every day to put some meaning back into your life. Dont be too much of a snob to push a wheelchair of an older person and take them for a walk or read to a person who is unable to read or similar activity to help others less fortunate than yourself. Remember, 'Man / Womam' was not meant to be an Island.

May 05, 2017
Kick up the backside.
by: Sally

Rob Q and Happy Old Man, and Anonymous Nov 19 - you are all so right. I can relate a lot to what 63 years old and depressed is saying. BUT ive always had a cheerful disposition, I talk to anyone ie at the bus stop, on the train, in the shops etc. Dont keep looking at yourself, other people matter too. Im slightly disabled so I havent had the chances that my friends have had, and as its hereditary I ensured I didnt have children. I may get a little upset about it from time to time, but I do not wallow nor complain. There is beauty all around us, Im grateful for being. Every night I thank God for keeping me safe and a roof over my head, food and people who like me, even if its only my neighbours! All over the world people are starving, children are forced to work in mines underground, people have to live in war torn chaos. Consider yourself LUCKY. Do as Rob Q suggests and make yourself go out for a walk, go swimming, go where people are (not the bar!) TALK to people. Talk to a doctor. Dont try and find your soulmate. That kind of love is not the answer for you. If you start a relationship with someone, expect nothing. Enjoy it. Dont think about it. STOP THINKING. START DOING. Just TRY it. Please. Its such a waste otherwise.

May 04, 2017
This was Awesome!
by: Anonymous

Totally raw and honest, I loved this! Hurray for your dispassionate, clear appraisal of your life and personality! You do know that you're not alone, right? There are others of us out there -- others who would like people in our lives, if we just liked people.
I've been thinking along these lines, too. I am 63, and it is looking like a pretty empty life ahead.
So, tonight I have decided it's time to try a new area to excel in. I think I'll go for a 'personality' type accomplishment. It's this: I'm going to work on the art of kindness. It sounds pretty simple, but I believe its implementation will provide an interesting and complex diversion.
I have been feeling like many things have failed in my life. But surely it can't take much talent to learn to excel in kindness, right? I'm actually pretty excited about this new creative project. No guilt, just fun. If there's any guilt, it is no longer a creative endeavor, so I'll dump the project.
This is just for fun. I want to see how strong I can make this quality. Here I go.
I wonder if you, too, have something you are still curious about, in which you can learn to excel?

May 02, 2017
To The Last Poster (Annon. May 2)
by: Tom W

What is the name of the song you are referring to - "As the song goes, If I knew now what I wish I knew then... " Are you around 60 years old or so?

So sorry you feel that way. I feel the same way myself. I recently told a friend of mine (who just turned 60) that it's pretty much over for the both of us since we've never been married: and not much of a resume with relationships.

May 02, 2017
All of us in same situation,,let's get together...
by: Anonymous

What could I add that hasn't already been said.

I can add, no friends, no kids, no husband anymore, too fat, too ugly, too many regrets, isolation by choice and life is over.
All the things I want passed me by in my twenties.
As the song goes, If I knew now what I wish I knew then...
If it were not for my two 8 year old shtzus I would get in my car and drive out of this life.

Our lives are done. Period

Mar 27, 2017
I am you
by: Deb

Your profile could well be mine. My husband left me after 42 years of marriage. My only child blames me for the divorce.

Each day I watch tv until 2 or 3 and sleep until 2 the next day. People totally annoy me. I wait for the day when I can go to sleep and not wake up.

I am seeing a psychiatrist and taking whatever meds she prescribes. I have developed psoriasis and try to stay ahead of this horrible disease.

Not sure where to turn. I just make sure I have enough clean pajamas to last a few days.

Feb 24, 2017
just hanging on
by: Anonymous

im 63 years old, a physician who is well respected but burned out. I went to an ivy league university, studied with some great doctors. My wife divorced me after heart surgery 20 years ago, my daughter is fiercely independent and well on her way, lives out west. Ive been fighting depression for 45 years, have managed. I have health problems now, been sick for a year, feel financially squeezed, alone in the world and not terribly optimistic about the future. im semi retired, looking for some part-time work. i have trouble sleeping, dont really want to do too much, worry about everything. My parents are dead, i have a sister who doesnt live closeby, no nieces or nephews, no close friends. i cant get out of my own way. i dont want to keep feeling this way but know the risks of medications.... any suggestions

Feb 23, 2017
Happy with my 63 !!!
by: Happy old man

My english is not perfect, but I may write something possitive.
I've lived 63 years,sometimes happy, sometimes sad, that's life, up and down, I was young and healthy and I'm old know with some health issues, but happy for living many years. Do you want more?, do you want to be young again?, it's impossible. Life is only one and every stage has it own beauty. Live day by day, don't look back, be happy with what you have, be happy and say thanks God for my life, because you are unique.

Jan 01, 2017
The female view
by: Anonymous

Feel the same. I am the 63 yr old woman who is invisible to most. Not horrible looking, no facelifts. Just a normal looking looking older woman who was 18 yesterday. Men want someone 30 years younger.

Dec 29, 2016
I Can Very Well Relate!
by: Tom

From what I've read about you, I wish I could meet you. I feel very much the same way you do. I will be 60 on New Years Day. I have never been married and never had children.

You have never mentioned any health issues you had. If that's the case, then you are fortunate. About two years ago I had my Prostate removed because of cancer. I was diagnosed at 56. That has changed things for me (if you know what I mean). Just recently I had to take a shot to keep my PSA under control. Yes, even though the Prostate is gone, there's a chance and watch that the cancer may come back.

I have been very health conscious and exercised a lot. It was a shock when I was diagnosed. I'm still exercising now and it helps me.

But there is a lot of depression and anxiety and loneliness that I have to deal with. I've always been shy and introverted. I have not been successful with women and had limited friends. Up to now, the guy friends mean a lot more to me than getting a woman (I'm not gay). I have a couple of guy friends now. They're nice but there are times they get on my nerves.

At this point I have a job and feel very thankful for it. It's not a high-paying power job. I have fears that it will end and I will never be able to recover if it does.

I feel very thankful for what I have, even though it's not much. It helps me to develop that attitude. But lots of times I fear that the good things I have will end; and I feel very sure that it will be replaced by things not-so-good. It seems like things are more on the downswing
than getting better in every aspect.

I do appreciate you sharing. I wish I could meet guys who would share those kind of feelings with me. Instead I come across those who just say, "snap out of it!". Or one friend that I have says that he gets into the Bible and it helps him out a lot. And I should do that. Well, I've heard him say that before. And then when things go wrong, he flies off the handle! I appreciate those who would be "downers" than those who fake having it all together.

Dec 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

I'm 61yr. Old ,and feel like I'm invisible to men if I smile they look away ! People don't see me anymore ! So when you guys only like women 20-30 yr. younger , my hope is gone ! Seem wrong ,but that's the way attraction goes .

Sep 25, 2016
I think I know just how you feel, if that's possible...
by: Hopeless in the woods

Your story sounds so familiar except that I left Florida in May and have been traveling around the country living in a van. I find hope and happiness for short periods in new environments only to find myself back in despair and unhappiness when the newness fades away. I bought a small home in the mountains out west (on a whim) because it is a pretty nice area and I was tired of traveling but 2 months later, I'm wondering what is wrong with me... I thought dating might help but only find more unhappiness when I meet women and realize that I would rather be alone than work at a relationship that will most likely end in failure anyway. I wake up in the morning feeling energetic and positive but by days end I am depressed and just want to go to sleep and not wake up. Thanks for reading.

Aug 01, 2016
Already Dead
by: Zeke

I'm a 62 yo male. A near fatal heart attack on the job ( police ), ended my 30 year career. Married 30 plus years to a very sweet and smart woman. Met her when she was 17. Always true blue until my best friend died of a horrible cancer. Friends since we were 12. We were partnered on the job. I came apatransfer..and got close to his widow. I fell from grace. I had actually disliked this woman in the past. My wife and this same female attended the same high school, and detested each other. I totally ceased up. Completely stopped any contact with the widow. My wife totally fell apart. Multiple marriage counsellors, and our priest. We tried separation twice ( even though i didn't want to ). Nothing helped my wife. She divorced me. I deserved it. Not interested in any other woman. Just miss my wife. But, I don't bug her. My two kids remained with me full time ( they are at odds with their mother for splitting ). I tell them I still love their mom, but she had to do what made her healthy. Yes Im depressed and anxious, and lonely. And without hope, energy, or the will to live. Forget church or priest. Hypocrites and pervs. Forget medical care. I know the process! I used to be the one taking such sorry souls for involuntary psych admission. Few ever got out; and the ones that did had nothing left. No one. Except a rope. I know. Seen the damage done. So, I'm not asking for answers, nor prayers, nor making excuses. When there's nothing left, and your used up, and the will is long gone; Im done here. I was already dead anyway. Not going to be one of those poor fools waiting for what? See ya.

Aug 01, 2016
Already Dead
by: Zeke

I'm a 62 yo male. A near fatal heart attack on the job ( police ), ended my 30 year career. Married 30 plus years to a very sweet and smart woman. Met her when she was 17. Always true blue until my best friend died of a horrible cancer. Friends since we were 12. We were partnered on the job. I came apatransfer..and got close to his widow. I fell from grace. I had actually disliked this woman in the past. My wife and this same female attended the same high school, and detested each other. I totally ceased up. Completely stopped any contact with the widow. My wife totally fell apart. Multiple marriage counsellors, and our priest. We tried separation twice ( even though i didn't want to ). Nothing helped my wife. She divorced me. I deserved it. Not interested in any other woman. Just miss my wife. But, I don't bug her. My two kids remained with me full time ( they are at odds with their mother for splitting ). I tell them I still love their mom, but she had to do what made her healthy. Yes Im depressed and anxious, and lonely. And without hope, energy, or the will to live. Forget church or priest. Hypocrites and pervs. Forget medical care. I know the process! I used to be the one taking such sorry souls for involuntary psych admission. Few ever got out; and the ones that did had nothing left. No one. Except a rope. I know. Seen the damage done. So, I'm not asking for answers, nor prayers, nor making excuses. When there's nothing left, and your used up, and the will is long gone; Im done here. I was already dead anyway. Not going to be one of those poor fools waiting for what? See ya.

Jun 09, 2016
You are doing everything wrong
by: Rob Q.

You wont like hearing this. I am 63 in 2016. I fall into depressions and ruts from time to time. I surf the net looking for inspiration and information to help me get out of the rut.

I have battled depression since my youth. I know the answer is to get up and get moving.

I also make music. I need to record and release an album.

This week we had a tropical storm in Florida so I haven't been able to play soccer. I usually play 3 to 5 times a week.

I haven't been to the gym all week.

I have been laying around dreaming. It feels good when I am doing it but it leads to depression and lethargy.

I got to get up and get moving.

So do you.

Just reading how your doing everything wrong everything that leads to depression inspires me to get up and move.

I am going to the gym now. I am going to play soccer tonight and I am going to work on some music in between.

May 27, 2016
Here's help for some
by: Anonymous

Hi, this is what has worked for me in the past . Our thoughts can make us have low chemicals or off set them and we think our depression came first and then we started thinking depressing thoughts , but it's the other way around most of the time . We have something go wrong in our life and then we start thinking our bad thoughts about the situation and then it turns into depression . So you have to override the bad thoughts with good thoughts . It really doesn't take that long if you stay on it . Example : if you have a thought like " my life is horrible and it will probally even get worse . Stop the thought as fast as you can and say to yourself, " this won't last long because nothing is forever and I can see good things ahead for me and then think of all the good things that could happen . Something good could be right around the corner and it could happen when the depression leaves . And prayer does work if you have faith .

Nov 19, 2015
61 and depressed?
by: Anonymous

I am 61. Living to 61 and waking up every morning is something to be grateful for. Many didn't get this amazing gift. I'm not trying to be mean or insensitive, but get over yourself. Try reaching out and being kind. It certainly isn't going to hurt you. When you help and are kind to others, it gives you a sense of purpose and helps you to feel good about yourself. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, your problems won't seem important after that. Put yourself aside, you 'll be much happier. Just my thoughts. I see this is an old blog, but glad I ran across it, there's always something to be grateful for.

Nov 01, 2015
All so alone
by: Anonymous

I'm 63 and spectacularly depressed. Having gone for a blood test recently, the doctor told me I was in amazingly good shape for me age, gave me some testosterone and B12 as a boost and told me not to worry so much. Unfortunately I am also quite attractive to women and very sympathetic, always lending an ear and fixing broken wings of those traumatized by husbands or jobs. I recently met a beautiful woman 30 years my junior and we fell in love almost immediately, although I know not why. She was married but going through a painful divorce and emotionally unavailable when push came to shove. Our relationship blossomed, to the point where we became the perfect compatible match, or so I was informed, sharing each others lives on a part time basis, on social media, and the occasional romp in the hay at discreet locations. My ability to destroy the very things I love came to the fore, I damaged even further an already damaged woman, in the prime of her life, why does this Universe fuck with us so much? Is there no end to this madness looking for happiness where there is no such thing, only confusion, unintentional pain hatred and death? I am absolutely convinced that being a "good person" is a fukking waste of time and of a life, be as selfish as you can, grasp whatever you can for your own gratification, and fuck everyone else because that's exactly what they are trying to do to you without realizing it.

Nov 01, 2015
All so alone
by: Anonymous

I'm 63 and spectacularly depressed. Having gone for a blood test recently, the doctor told me I was in amazingly good shape for me age, gave me some testosterone and B12 as a boost and told me not to worry so much. Unfortunately I am also quite attractive to women and very sympathetic, always lending an ear and fixing broken wings of those traumatized by husbands or jobs. I recently met a beautiful woman 30 years my junior and we fell in love almost immediately, although I know not why. She was married but going through a painful divorce and emotionally unavailable when push came to shove. Our relationship blossomed, to the point where we became the perfect compatible match, or so I was informed, sharing each others lives on a part time basis, on social media, and the occasional romp in the hay at discreet locations. My ability to destroy the very things I love came to the fore, I damaged even further an already damaged woman, in the prime of her life, why does this Universe fuck with us so much? Is there no end to this madness looking for happiness where there is no such thing, only confusion, unintentional pain hatred and death? I am absolutely convinced that being a "good person" is a fukking waste of time and of a life, be as selfish as youcan, grasp whatever you can for your own gratification, and fuck everyone else because that's exactly what they are trying to do to yoy without realizing it.

Oct 29, 2015
old and depressed
by: Anonymous

Hi there, just became aware of your blog through Google, and found that it's truly informative. I will be grateful if you continue this in future. Lots of people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!

Oct 15, 2015
63 years old
by: Anonymous

The clarity in your post is simply spectacular and i can assume you are an expert on this subject.

Jul 25, 2015
How to function well despite depression, and how to beat depression
by: Anonymous

My recommendation is to participate in Recovery International meetings. Back in 1937 Abraham Low MD was not seeing any gains in his patients using psychoanalytic therapy. He created a system of cognitive and behavior therapy, his most important work being Mental Health through will Training. His program is still very effective.
Look up Recovery International on the web. Find a meeting close by, or an internet meeting if there are no meetings near you. Try about 10 sessions to know if it helps you. The group sessions are free. They ask for a $5.00 donation per meeting but will accept whatever you want to give. It is by far the most powerful system I know to improve your mental health. I know after reading this you will say your situation is different that no one can help you. That is your depression speaking. Go to meetings, read the literature, and slowly you will learn how to fight your depression and learn to love life again. Good luck!

Jun 25, 2015
There is Hope
by: Anonymous

I believe age certainly has something to do with the feelings of loneliness and feeling depressed. I'm 61 years now and tLw (the Lord willing) will be 62 in July. I, like most of you good folks, had a typically fun-filled, constructive life when we were younger. And if we did have a bad hair day (depressed, lonely, etc.) we just got over it. But since getting older (late 50s+), life seems to have lose something and I'm still trying to figure out why. I know for me it started with the "empty-nest" syndrome which is real and leaves a loneliness that is difficult to describe. Then it was going back to school which I loved, but now I'm in debt which I try not to think about (maybe it will go away, right). Then there is not having a job after all that schooling. The Big one is having too much time on my hands and I end up thinking about all the bad decisions and choices I've made over the years. It's an endless cycle. What helps me is reading the Bible, probably the only time I don't have the thoughts. I believe there is hope for all of us. I believe true joy can be found regardless of age if we stop thinking of ourselves and concentrate on helping others (I know easier said that done). The truth is, if we have a roof over our head and food to eat, we are better off than most people in this world. I hope for good things for all. Thanks for listening.

Apr 14, 2015
your story is my story
by: Anonymous

Hi! All
I'm 67 have had depression since 1970's.
MY hair fell out 5 years ago from stress at work.
I am in pain from a car accident 16 years ago.
Have great friends but they don't know how to help. Need to word but I can't stand or sit for long periods of time.
WHAT DO WE DO? As I reread this I hear how negative it sounds.
What do we do?

Mar 10, 2015
61 and depressed
by: Anonymous

I have a woman who is dying of cancer who lives in another state. Drinking now to deal with depression. Loosing home to foreclosure. waiting to die. Please if there is any one who can give me some kindness at all......................Help I am so depressed I am drinking right now to the point of sickness. I have very few if any real friends. I feel like I am already dead inside, but still trying hard to hold on to faith. If I dont get help soon I may be dead due to overdose or whatever. I am 61 year old male. Been through so much B.S. in my life I feel there is nothing left. Drunk on my ass now and wishing I was dead. God bless anyone with compassion enough to help me.... Tried therapy. Faith is failing........Not sure what is left for me.................Still a good man.....

Aug 05, 2014
i'm in the same boat i think
by: jdleet

i also have bouts of depression,been singlefor centuries because no woman wants to date a man that's totally disabled by an invisible illness called bipolar and only makes no more income than the $77,monthly disability check.been disabled & on this income since 1981.i'm almost 60 years old.have become very set in my ways,not willing to take on new interests and the ones i have are also not the mainstream norm for people my age..i'm in to 80's and some 90's music videos and have collection of a couple thousand at least.i also like some current symphonic metal like amberian dawn xandria and tarja..and i love movies..horror comedy action everything..but like you, i'm a homebody.i don't desire the party scene or the bong crowd.i'm happy to sit at home where i'm comfortable and watch stuff on my 42 inch hdtv and surround sound.you didn't mention your article something i'm curious about..i've always prefered to have one 'best' friend as opposed to having a group of 'good' friends.this has led partly to my being so lonely..i wondered as i read your story if you are the same way about having friends in your life.when you've had an exceptionally close bond ,had a best friend relationship(platonic not gay) with a another man for many years many years(nearly the same exact interests in movies,music,philosophy,women,etc) and suddenly he's off and married and busy with family..well..it becomes a lonesome world really fast.i was 50 when he moved away and by that age it's impossible to regain a close bond like that with someone else,as it takes years to form that kind of a bond.as a 50 year old man,who was i going to bond with for the next 10 or 15 years?i'm 59 now..and i haven't found a best friend yet!everybody's too busy.people aren't out there looking for best friends.just bowling buddies for the weekend(so to speak)..that really sucks

Jul 14, 2014
by: Anonymous=stu

I am 63 years old lost my only sibling 6 months ago
Have a lovely wife who i love to bits go to the gym four times a week play golf and am reasonably fit.

sooo why do i feel so bloody lousy since my sister died feel on my own wife has still got her M&D and 5 brothers and one sister .

have realised if she went no one left why do i feel angry and lonely every day i think of suicide was fine before my sister died.

My wife I feel will leave me as i am a total pain

I would fully understand if she did in fact iwould not blame her.

I seem to wallow in self pity

lost my sense of humour

I am a total prick and just want to stay on my own why?

May 09, 2014
almost a carbon copy!
by: Anonymous

My mother who was married 40+ years told me after a break up "You think I'm not alone because I'm married. I've alays been alone." It was sad.

In my own case, 61 never married tho engaged twice. Both were running around with married men.

Get sick of being hurt.

In my own case, they all liked me from day 1 and spend all the rest of the time trying to change me.

Sadly, you gotta love yourself. I had a brother die in car accident when I was 8. I know I never recoved from that, add mother, a sister dying from cancer at 41, and my dad with Alzheimers the last years of his life.


Still, I have hobbies, travel, go to church, etc.
Married (some) have drugged up kids, daughters pregnant at 15, high school dropouts, etc. What did I miss?

10 people get married. 6 get divorced, 2 more are unfaithful and one is unhappy and one of the original ten is still happy.

Horrible odds.

Still, we'll be ok.

Apr 08, 2014
by: Anonymous

that was so sad and i feel the same way. BUT I have a great husband and friends but still am so depressed.

I have a sign posted on the wall that says,
I look at that and sometimes it helps....

Jan 18, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am working on 63 years old in July 2014, I am so depressed that it takes at least half a day to function on a minimal. I am on paxil for anger issues but it is not taking care of my depression. I am not able to call my two children for they want me to completely change my life and I cannot do this at this time. I am an alcoholic, and smoke at least 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day. I worry about my children and all people around me, I feel I have to help all. I have strong health issues and it is hard for me to go see about them, because it takes away money for me to help people so I ignore my problems. These issues are becoming worse and I am on disability with a strict financial responsibility each month. I have tried, medication, rehab, hypnosis and still am who I am. Honestly do not like who I am, HELP

Nov 07, 2013
Enjoy Life!
by: Anonymous

There is much life after physical human death on earth. Enjoy the time you have left!

Aug 20, 2013
by: Anonymous

same age, same feelings. same circumstances. i am a musician too, but no longer get any pleasure from it. I have tried often to hook up with other musicians in the last few years but nothing ever works. just like with women. i have stopped trying anything. i have been wishing my life would just end, especially if nothing new is going to come along.

Mar 01, 2013
The eternal dilemma
by: Anonymous

I can relate very much to what you say. Loneliness and lovelessness are aweful places to be. And yes...all we actually have is now. I'm 61 and trying to mend a relationship that could have been beautiful for the past 30 years if I had not have screwed it up by being insensitive, selfish, immature and way too serious. In addition having an unrealistic view of my own virtues and talents made matters worse. Ageing is something we all hate if we're honest. The way I see it though is that if we can realise something, even very late in the day, and at least try to end one's final years in love rather than lonely and out of love then it is worth the work needed to turn around a screwed-up life. I am very fortunate in that my wife didn't leave me though she had every reason to. It has taken me a very long time to realise that people and relationships are the most important aspect of life and to try hard to cultivate friendship and love is always necessary at all ages. At 63, there is probably still time to grab some happiness. Good Luck.

Jul 31, 2012
I'm 20. But, I can relate to most of what you said.
by: Anonymous

I feel isolated. I also am overly critical and unpleasant and tend to ruin relationships (QUICKLY). I inherited egotism and narcissism from my parents. I'm cynical and tend to focus on negative things. I feel like life is lonely and that I'm a slave to cravings and longings that will either harm me or I can't fulfill. I'm very depressed often times, and I don't find parties enjoyable. Many people I just don't know how to converse with because I don't have the energy, or I don't have interest in the topics they like to discuss (I.E. their air conditioner broke; something that I can't advise them about, be happy or sad over, or excited about in any way). Anyways, I'm really sorry that you feel that way. I may not be 60, but I know the inner turmoil can be painful and I truely do feel sad that you're going through this. I'd like to offer you and internet hug <3 I hope you don't give up trying to feel better. As just a tip, people of faith tend to be happier. Christianity offers hope and joy for people who can't stand this life.

Wishing you peace and relief.
-Anonymous kid...hehe

Mar 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

your remaining years?? The problem is you are talking about yourself as if you are already dead.
No one has remaining years. There are plenty of people in the grave half your age.None of us have remaining years.. We have today ..

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