"Is there a link between depression and TV?"

Depression and TV has a greater connection than you may think, so stop scoffing just a sec... Many of you will remember my reference to limiting TV if your child suffers from Bipolar Disorder. If not, you will enjoy the article. (See the link at the end of this article.)

Since having kids, and having said ‘no’ to having cable, I have to say, I have thoroughly enjoyed it! In fact, I haven’t missed TV! The other night we rented a DVD with a show being one of the top shows in the country. My husband and I watched it together after the kids went to bed. I must say, having no commercials was wonderful. However, I tried going to sleep afterward and couldn’t! I had all these images keeping me awake. I kept remembering scenes and analyzing them. I couldn’t get an image out of my head that was especially heart breaking as a mother. I won’t go into detail. The link of depression and TV came back to haunt me.

Since getting rid of TV as a result of my depression and not wanting to muddle up my head with junk any more, I’ve discovered some fabulous research that supports why it was a good move for my mental health. Depression and TV makes sense. TV viewing has been proven by researchers to cause aggression in children, increase obesity, increase family debt (most likely due to all the commercials telling us what we need.), increase anti-social behaviour, and even seizures.

Now, don’t get me wrong, there is some fabulous stuff recorded on video, but the stuff that makes it to TV can definitely influence your mind in a negative way. It did for me anyway. Depression and TV were partners in crime. So, if you seek a life of peace and free of depression, try the experiment that worked for me. Then fill your time with reading that benefits yourself and others – I started researching natural cures for depression and look what came about – this website! Or, call up a friend and go out, go do something active! I’ve been enjoying playing Badminton with people of all ages at the community centre. What a great time.

Do something social especially with people of postive nature and you will start to feel the joy! Do something peaceful refueling your batteries like journalling, drawing, painting (I discovered even I could paint!) and you may too discover a side of you which you never knew you had!

There is hope! You are worth it!

"6 Powerful Ingredients to Cure Your Depression"

"Practical Solutions for Bipolar Disorder in Children"

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Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine January 2001;155:13-14, 17-23/Joint Statement Issued at Public Health Summit Washington, DC July, 2000/Stereophile October 1998 43./J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1998;37:1041-1048./Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine July, 1998;152:712-713./The Journal of the American Medical Association (1998;279(12):938-942, 959-960)/Pediatrics August 1999/Nature Medicine (1998;4:265-266)

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