
I only recently discovered that I had depression. I've been living with it for 18 years and didn't know what the overwhelming feeling of sadness actually was. When I found out about it, I felt lost, scared and worst of all alone. But through it all I read 2 quotes that kept me going. 1.) To the world you may be just one person but to one person you may be the world. And 2.) You were given this life because you're strong enough to live it. I use a semicolon (;) as a reminder as well. I draw it on the inside of my wrists. The semicolon is a mark of punctuation which separates 2 clauses with the same underlying idea and indicates that a sentence is not over. This is why I use it as reminder that my story isn't over. And yours isn't either. I won't give up if you won't. And remember... Keep fighting

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