Normal from the Outside

by Renae
(LivingRoom, Va)

From the outside looking in on my life, I look completely normal. I get up every morning to clean my house, take and pick the kids up from school, make dinner and finish up with homework...normal, right?

What most NEVER seen is the sea of sadness my life was drowning in daily. I have been married to a man for almost 20 years who has never been faithful, until this past year. I cannot give reasons to why I stayed, but honestly I'm glad I did. He is a changed man, completely! He is everything I could ask for in a husband.

I just haven't figured out how to live with him...LOL I have flash backs of my life with him and at any moment can be in tears, weeping as if something had just happened. My sadness is so deep that I began eating unhealthy. I don't exercise and I couldn't focus on a thing! It got so bad I went to the doctor...she prescribed antidepressants.

I went to my car and wept. I did not want to be a statistic, I wanted to be strong and pick up my life and move on. I actually repented..LOL I felt I had let God down on some level.

I went to the bookstore and I began to research on the web. That is when I came across this website. I am excited to hear I don't have to take antidepressants and there is hope.

Today was my first day of the eline course, I will keep you updated as I go. I am positive I can make this work with God's help and your resources!

I am worth it!!!

ANSWER: Yes!!!!! You ARE worth it!! Be sure to connect with a counselor as you may be grieving through the changes you've expressed. Feel free to connect with one of our online counselors if you like. Search for a believer. Talk through this journey as you go. So, glad you came and found us!


Merri Ellen

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