Not depressed just iron deficient???......

I have been taking anti depressants for over 10 years and i am only 25 years old, i cant seem to find the one that works without having a side effect that affects my life in some negative way, recently i went to the doctors as i couldnt breath, to find out that my anti depressants were the cause...
This was a new doctor as i have recently moved, she suggested that i should have a review of my tablets and get some blood tests. The out come of the tests showed that i am severely low in iron, i asked her what effect this would have on me and she said that it can cause mood swings, anger, tiredness, loss of interest in things....

HMMM i thought to myself then i asked the question: aren't they the signs of depression? she said that they were exactly the same, i thought this was so interesting as maybe i have always just been iron deficient and not depressed.

I am going to have further iron tests next week to see what exactly i am missing, it will be really interesting to see if this is my cure to a life of sadness a simple vitamin.
I suggest to people with depression that they get a blood test and just see if this too may be their problem....

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Feb 19, 2009
I agree
by: Anonymous

There is a definite lack of understanding regarding certain deficiencies in the body. I suffer from seasonal affective disorder and did not realise until a few mionths ago that it was caused by a lack of vitamin D in my system. Follow up on your tests if you have the energy - the results could be miraculous - if given time to let it work within your system while monitoring yourself for any adverse side effects.

Nov 10, 2008
Good idea!
by: Anonymous

Great idea! I've done quite a bit of personal research on my own about depression, and it appears that it can be caused by various physical insufficiencies. Although I hadn't concerned iron deficiency, it's certainly worth taking a look at.

Good luck!


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