From: Merri Ellen :)

Congratulations! You have reached day 6 of the Cure Your Depression E-Course.

Today you will learn simple habits you can implement TONIGHT to cure your depression.

[Do NOT take this ingredient for granted even though it is simple to do.]

Proper Sleep Habits

One of the biggest risk factors for depression is sleep deprivation. If you don’t get enough sleep, you feed your depression. Therefore, in order to get the upper hand against your depression, be careful to implement proper sleep habits. You need to get 8 hours of sleep per night.

When I was going through my bout of depression, I was absolutely exhausted during the day and tossed and turned during the night. So, what if you CAN'T FALL SLEEP? 

Here are 8 simple steps to a good night sleep: 

1. Aim to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every night. Prepare yourself for bed by having a 30 minute “bedtime ritual”. Dim the lights, turn off the TV and computer, put on your PJs, and do a quiet activity like read. By cutting out any stressful, dutiful, or mentally stimulating activities, you can slow down your metabolic rate.

2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol for several hours before you plan to go to bed. Instead enjoy a hot cup of Chamomile Tea or steamed milk! (Visit our herbs for depression for more info on calming herbs for depression including Green Tea.) Warm milk contains tryptophan, (see 5 HTP under natural cures for depression) which can help relax the nervous system and induce drowsiness. 

Doctor and author James LaValle talks about his favourite natural sleep supplements such as 5 htp, relora, and melatonin in this video...

3. Avoid a large evening meal, especially if consumed within four hours of bedtime. Bulky meals may lead to abdominal discomfort, nausea, or heartburn which disrupt sleep. Think about it - your body is working to digest this food and so your metabolism is up and so are you - up and awake!

4. Avoid vigorous physical activity and exercise for four hours before bedtime. Exercise is an excellent weapon against depression but just choose to do it earlier in the day!

5. Make sure your sleeping position or posture is comfortable and provides enough support, especially for the low back. 

6. Avoid using your bed for activities other than sleep like watching TV, to maintain an association between getting into bed and sleeping.

7. Quiet slow paced simplistic music can also help induce sleep. Audio music products are available on the market that are designed to help fulfill this function. For example, Amazon sells a popular Nature Sounds Clock Radio 

Remember if altering a person’s behaviour will produce the same beneficial brain changes that can come from medication—without the risks and side effects—then the advantages are obvious. 

There is hope! Good for you for making the effort to improve your mental health! 

One woman writes...

“I just want to thank you. These tips have really changed my life in less than a month. I honestly believe that God has brought this website over my path for recovery. The work you done is wonderful and a true inspiration. If I think where I was a few weeks back, I can't believe I am out of that hole. God will bless you for this wonderful work you are doing. You have inspired me so. Thanks again.” - Ada. 


1. Learn about the 7th ingredient in my journey here! 

2. Request personal Spiritual Life Coaching by me below :)

Sometimes you need a face and a smile to get you motivated to begin this powerful life changing step by step plan! If you need a coach to inspire you and to give you a visual of what it all looks like to implement each ingredient, simply send me a request. I have been coaching people online through beating depression since 2003. Learn more about my unique coaching today!

If you've been enjoying this free e-course - you are welcome to enjoy our complete easy to understand and easy to use research handbook available for instant download to your desktop. The handbook includes free downloads and excellent tips on how to implement each step to keep yourself on track.

With the downloadable handbook, I share with you a few bonuses...including:

My 'Check My Thoughts At the Door' Checklist 

Some psychologists believe that 90% of depression is because of damaging mental training that was done when we were kids and have continued as we’ve grown up. The key is to change that mental training into positive pictures and words. Do this and you will become a DIFFERENT person. It’s absolutely amazing. 

Gaining knowledge about depression and how to treat it is only half the battle. The far greater challenge for most people (with beating depression AND just about anything else - even losing fat) is applying that knowledge and taking action. There is a big difference between knowing what to do and doing what you know.You might think that you’re in total conscious control of your behaviours, but it’s really your SUB-conscious that controls your behaviour. If you know what to do, but you can’t seem to get yourself to do it, you’ve probably been giving negative orconflicting messages to your subconscious mind. 

The behaviours that are produced by subconscious conditioning are more commonly referred to as habits. Fortunately, you can re-program your subconscious mind with positive instructions and become a creature of positive habit, just as easily as you can become a victim of negative habits. It all begins with a conscious decision and written goals. Goals are the bridges that span this gap. They slam the door on your depression. I share with you some powerful steps which will help you never to slip back into that pit again! (Click here to get your own downloadable copy.)

There is hope! You are worth it! 

To your freedom and to your joy! 

Thank you for the honour of journeying with you!

Merri Ellen :)
Your Friendly Editor and Coach

Click Here To Get Your Copy Of The Simple Truth on Curing Depression Today and contribute to passing on this life-changing information to others! :)

Or consider making a simple donation.


Marks, G. A., Shaffery, J. P., Oksenberg, A., Speciale, S. G., & Roffwarg, H. P. (1995). A functional role for rem sleep in brain maturation. Behav Brain Res, 69(1-2), 1-11. 

Mirmiran, M., Scholtens, J., van de Poll, N. E., Uylings, H. B., van der Gugten, J., & Boer, G. J. (1983). Effects of experimental suppression of active (rem) sleep during early development upon adult brain and behavior in the rat. Brain Res, 283(2-3), 277-286. 

Morrissey, M. J., Duntley, S. P., Anch, A. M., & Nonneman, R. (2004). Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. Medical Hypotheses, 62(6), 876-879. 

Department Of Psychology, 426 Fraser Hall, 1415 Jayhawk Blvd., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7556 

One Woman's Cure Depression Story and Research Findings That Is Changing Lives in Over 120 Countries To Date.

What people are saying about the cure your depression research... 

“Your web site is absolutely fantastic! We will refer all of our clients to your web site.” –Anthony, Director of Mental Imaging Clinic, Las Vegas

"Hello Merri Ellen I am a therapist who runs out patient programs for people with mental health issues. One of my clients alerted me to your depression site today and I am impressed by both your energy and your generous contribution to others suffering with illness. Thank you. I have just completed reading through your info. Found it to be a wonderfully informative resource and will not have any problem in passing on your website address to some of my clients. The greatest value is in the fact that you have been a consumer and have a very different understanding than others may have. This allows you to be heard a little more readily sometimes. I thank you for your courage and wish you good health always. Regards" - Sue 

"I was on Wellbutrin and Prozac until using your techniques… I haven’t felt so good for so many consecutive days in 20 years... Thank you for your website and your incredible tips!!!" - Robyn, former depression sufferer

"Thank you so much for all the articles I receive in my e-mails. They have helped me alot. I have suffered with depression several years, and right now I am not taking any medication at all." - Mary, former depression sufferer

"I was telling [my husband] that last year at this time I was having anxiety and depression and was wanting to die, and now (one year later) I literally have waves of excitement and happiness. It's hard to describe, but I am really happy right now… Life is good. I cannot complain. I am healed!!!!! - Gloria, former depression sufferer

"I can only explain my gratitude by saying God must have brought you my way. I was just on the verge of requesting anti-depressants from my Dr. the day that I found your website. In the most natural, helpful fashion your research, the way you've set up the e-course, all of it just fed me with the step by step solutions I had been longing for for months. I will always read your work, updates you provide, your service is priceless. Thank you, your work is such a blessing!" - Alysha, on the journey

"I am 63 years old. Went through severe depression about 5 years ago. If I had ended it all, I wouldn’t have the joy in knowing my new grandchild. I followed the steps on this web sight and I’m certainly glad I did. I feel your pain, I hope you can find your way out. No one can do it for you. I’m off all medication and still experience sadness and disparities but those times do not last. I am cheering you on my peaceful home in Tulsa. Don’t forget to do your light therapy. Journaling helped me, Keep moving forward, you may find joy in your life next year." - Anonymous post in our Forum :)

"As a licensed clinical social worker and a woman with a life-time history of depression, I really commend you on the work you have done on this site." - Robyn, Social Worker

"I have been depressed for most of my life, have read many books and articles have taught others about depression, have taken various antidepressant medications. I have begun taking your advice on how to overcome depression for just over a week now.

I am encouraged at what i have read and i have put into practice what has been suggested. I have found that the research of Merri Ellen is very good, it is practical and makes common and medical sense. I fully agree that the medication is only part of the cure for depression, in that it takes away some of the worst symptoms of one's depression. The time to do something about one's depression is when the bad edge has been taken off. I have started the process you recommend and i am encouraged at my progress so far.

The big difference is that i have taken a decision to carefully put into practice what i have been told. So far so good and thank you for your advice. It has been a blessing to me." - Tony

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